- "Dynamics of Trees of Fragmenting Granules in the Quiet Sun: Hinode/SOT Observations Compared to Numerical Simulation".
(Malherbe, J.-M.; Roudier, T.; Stein, R.; Frank, Z.), Sol. Phys. 293 2018.
- "The asteroseismic surface effect from a grid of 3D convection simulations - I. Frequency shifts from convective expansion of stellar atmospheres"
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(doi: 10.1093/mnrasl/slw230)
- "The asteroseismic surface effect from a grid of 3D convection simulations - I. Frequency shifts from convective expansion of stellar atmospheres"
Trampedach, R.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Asplund, M.; Stein, R. F.; Nordlund, Ĺ.)
Proceedings, "The Space Photometry Revolution", Eds. R.A. García; J. Ballot. EPJ Web of Conf. 101, 2015.
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- "Interpreting the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Mulit-Height
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(Nagashima, K.; Loptien, B.; Gizon, L.; Birch, A.; Cameron, R.; Couvidat, S.; Danilovic, S.;
Fleck, B.; Stein, R.), Sol. Phys. 289, 3457, 2014.
- "Improvements to stellar structure models, based on a grid of 3D convection simulations - I. T(#) relations".
(Trampedach, R.; Stein, R. F.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Nordlund, Ĺ.; Asplund, M.),
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(doi: 10.1093/mnras/stu889)
- "Models of solar surface dynamics: impact on eigenfrequencies and radius".
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- "The Stagger-grid: A grid of 3D stellar atmosphere models. I. Methods and general properties".
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(doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201321274)
- "A Grid of Three-dimensional Stellar Atmosphere Models of Solar Metalicity. I.
General Properties, Granulation and Atmospheric Expansion"..
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Astrophys. J. 769: 18, 2013.
(doi: 10.1088/0004-637X/769/1/18)
- "Flux Emergence and Pore Formation: What ATST Can See".
(Robert Stein & Åke Nordlund), in Second ATST-EAST Meeting:
Magnetic Fields from the Photosphere to the Corona,
eds. T. Rimmele, A. Tritschler, F. Wöger, V. Collados, H. Socos-Navarro, R. Schlichenmaier,
M. Carlsson, T. Berger, A. Cadavid, P. Gilbert, P. Goode, and M. Knölker,
ASP Conf. Proc., 463, 83, 2012
- "Solar Surface Magneto-Convection". (Robert F. Stein),
Living Rev. Sol. Phys., 9, 4, 2012.
- "Magneto-Convection". (Robert F. Stein),
in Astrophysical Processes on the Sun,
ed. C. Parnell, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc A., 370, 3070, 2012.
- "On the Formation of Active Regions". (Robert Stein & Åke Nordlund),
Astrophys. J. 753, L13, 2012. (doi:10.1088/2041-8205/753/1/L13)
- "Helioseismic Data from Emerging Flux Simulations".
(Stein, R. F.; Lagerfjard, A.; Nordlund, Å. & Georgobiani, D.) in Progress in
Solar/Stellar Physics with Helio- and Asteroseismology, eds. H. Shibahashi, M. Takata,
and A.E. Lynas-Gray, ASP Conf. Ser. 462, 345, 2012
- "Spontaneous Pore Formation in Magneto-Convection Simulations".
(Robert Stein & Åke Nordlund), in Hinode-5: Exploring the Active Sun,
eds. L. Golub, I. De Moortel & T. Shimizu, ASP Conf. Ser. 456, 39, 2012
- "Emerging Flux Simulations and Proto-Active Regions".
(Stein, R. F.; Lagerfjard, A.; Nordlund, Å. & Georgobiani, D.),
in Hinode-4: unsolved problems and recent insights, eds. L. R.
Bellot Rubio, F. Reale, & M. Carlsson, ASP conf. ser. 455, 133, 2012
- "Emerging Flux Simulations".
(Stein, R. F.; Lagerfjard, A.; Nordlund, Å. & Georgobiani, D.),
in Hinode-3 Science Meeting, eds. T. Sekii, T, Watanabe & T. Sakurai,
ASP conf. ser. 454, 193, 2012
- "Simulations of the Solar Atmosphere and Solar
Limbs". (Piau, L.; Stein, R. F.; Melo, S.; Turck-Chieze, S.;
Thuillier, G.; Hauchercorne, A.), in SF2A-2011: Proc. Ann. Mtg.
French Soc. Astron. & Astrophys., eds. G. Alecian, K.
Belkacem, R. Samadi & D. Valls-Gabaud, 407, 2011
- "Turbulent Diffusion in the Photosphere as Derived from Photospheric
Bright Point Motion". (Abramenko, V.I; Carbone, V.; Yurchyshyn, V.; Goode, P.R.;
Stein, R.F.; Lepreti, F.; Capparelli, V. Vecchio, A.), Astrophys. J. 743, 133, 2011
- "The Mass Mixing Length in Convective Stellar Envelopes".
(Trampedach, R. & Stein, R. F.), Astrophys. J. 731, 78, 2011
- "Solar Flux Emergence Simulations",
(Stein, R. F.; Lagerfjard, A.; Nordlund, Å. & Georgobiani, D.),
Solar Phys. 268, 271, 2011 (doi:10.1007/s11207-010-9510-y).
"Magneto-convection", (Stein, B.),
Scholarpedia 5(1):2397, 2010.
- "Supergranulation-Scale Convection Simulations",
(Stein, R. F.; Nordlund, Å,; Georgobiani, D.;
Benson, D. & Schaffenberger, W.), in Solar-Stellar Dynamos as Revealed by
Helio- and Astroseismology,
eds. M. Kikpati, T. Arentoft, I. Gonzalez Hernandez, C. Lindsey & F. Hill,
Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser. 416, 421-426, 2009.
- "Supergranulation Scale Convection Simulations",
(Stein, R. F.; Lagerfjard, A.; Nordlund, Å,; Georgobiani, D.;
Benson, D. & Schaffenberger, W.), in Second Hinode Science Meeting,
eds. B. Lites, M. Cheung, T. Magara, J. Mariska & K. Reeves,
Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser. 415, 63-66, 2009.
- "Comparing the Hinode and SOHO/MDI Data to the Simulated Large Scale Solar Convection",
(Georgobiani, D.; Zhao, J.;, Kosovichev, A.; Benson, D.; Stein, R. F.; & Nordlund, Å.), in Second Hinode Science Meeting,
eds. B. Lites, M. Cheung, T. Magara, J. Mariska & K. Reeves,
Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser. 415, 421-424, 2009.
- "Accurate Radiation Hydrodynamics and MHD Modeling
of 3-D Stellar Atmospheres", (Nordlund, Å. & Stein, R.
International Conference in Honor of Dimitri Mihalas for His Lifetime
Scientific Contributions on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday ,
AIP Conf. Proc. 1171, 242-259, 2009.
- "Impact of the Physical Processes in the Modeling
of HD 49933", (Piau, L.; Turck-Chieze, S.; Duez, V.; Stein, R.
F.), Astron. & Astrophys., 506, 175-181, 2009.
- "Solar Surface Convection", (Nordlund, Å.;
Stein, R. F.; Asplund, M.), Living Rev. Solar Phys., 6, 2,
- "Supergranulation Scale Convection Simulations",
(Stein, R. F.; Nordlund, Å,; Georgobiani, D.; Benson, D.;
Schaffenberger, W.), in Proceedings 15th Cambridge Workshop on Cool
Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, AIP Conf. Proc., 1094,
764-767, 2009.
- "Surface Convection in Population II stars", (Piau,
L. & Stein, R. F.), IAU Symposium 252, 253-254, 2008.
"Helioseismic Holography of Simulated Solar Convection and Prospects
for the Detiction of Small-Scale Subsurface Flows",
(Braun, D. C.; Birch, A. C.; Benson, D.; Stein, R. F.; Nordlund, Å.),
Astrophys. J., 669, 1395, 2007.
- "Validation of Time-Distance Helioseismology by Use of
Realistic Simulations of Solar Convection", (Zhao, J.; Georgobiani, D.;
Kosovichev, A. G.; Benson, D.; Stein, R. F.; Nordlund, Å.), Astrophys.
J., 659, 848, 2007.
- "Local helioseismology and correlation tracking analysis
of surface structures in realistic simulations of solar convection",
(Georgobiani, D.; Zhao, J.; Kosovichev, A.~G.; Benson, D.; Stein, R.~F.;
Nordlund, Å.), Astrophys. J., 657, 1157, 2007.
- Velocities Measured in Small-scale Solar Magnetic
Elements", (Langangen, O.; Carlsson, M.; van der Voort, L. R.;
Stein, R. F.), Astrophys. J., 655, 615-623, 2007.
- Excitation of Solar-like Oscillations Across the HR
Diagram", (Samadi, R.; Georgobiani, D.; Trampedach, R.; Goupil, M.
J.; Stein, R. F.; Nordlund, Å), Astron. & Astrophys. 463,
297-308, 2007.
- Surface Convection", (Stein, R. F.; Benson, D.; Georgobiani, D.; Nordlund, Å.; Schaffenberger, W.), in Unsolved Problems in Astronphysics, AIP Conf. Proc. 948, 111-115, 2007.
"Solar Magneto-Convection Simulations",
(Stein, R. F., Benson, D. & Nordlund, Å),
6th Solar-B workshop, 2006
- "Rapid Temporal Variability of Faculae: High-Resolution
Observations and Modeling", (De Pontieu, B.; Carlsson, M.; Stein,
R.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; Lofdahl, M.; van Noort, M.; Nordlund,
Å Scharmer, G.), Astrophys. J., 646, 1405-1420, 2006.
- "Solar Small Scale Magneto-Convection",
(Stein, R. F. & Nordlund, Å) Astrophys. J., 642, 1246-1255,
- "Simulation of Quiet-Sun Waves in the Ca II Infrared
Triplet", (Pietarila, A.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Bogdan, T.; Carlsson, M.;
Stein, R. F.), Astrophys. J., 640, 1142-1152, 2006.
"Effect of the Radiative Background Flux in Convection",
(Brandenburg, A.; Chan, K.L.; Nordlund, Å.; Stein, R.F.),
Astron. Nachr., 326, 681, 2005.
"Spectrum and Amplitudes of Internal Gravity Waves Excited by
Penetrative Convection in Solar-type Stars"
(Dintrans, B.; Brandenburg, A.; Nordlund, Å.; Stein, R. F.)
Astron. & Astrophys., 438, 365-376, 2005.
"Excitation of Solar-like Oscillations: From PMS to MS Stellar Models",
(Samadi, R.; Goupil, M.-J.; Alecian, E.; Baudin, F.; Georgobiani, D.;
Trampedach, R.; Stein, R.; Nordlund, Å.), J. Astrophys. &
Astron., 26, 171, 2005.
"High resolution limb images synthesized from 3D MHD simulations",
(Carlsson, M.; Stein, R. F.; Nordlund, Å.; Scharmer, G. B.)
IAU Symposium 223, 233-234, 2005.
"Magneto-Convection: Structure and Dynamics",
(Stein, R. F. & Nordlund, Å),
IAU Symposium 223,
179-182, 2005.
"Chromospheric Heating and Dynamics",
(Carlsson, M. & Stein, R. F.), in The Solar-B Mission and the
Forefront of Solar Physics, ASP Conf. Ser. 325, 243, 2004.
"Oscillation Power Spectra of the Sun and of CEN a: Observations Versus
Samadi, R.; Goupil, M.J.; Baudin, F.; Georgobiani, D.; Trampedach, R.;
Stein, R.; Nordlund, Å.),
Proceedings SOHO 14/GONG 2004, Ed. D. Danesy, ESA SP-559, 615, 2004.
"High Degree Solar Oscillatins in 3D Numerical Simulations",
(Georgobiani, D.; Stein, R. F.; Nordlund, Å.; Kosovichev, A. G.;
Mansour, N. N.), Proceedings SOHO 14/GONG 2004, Ed. D. Danesy,
ESA SP-559, 267, 2004.
"Observational manifestations of solar magneto-convection ---
center-to-limb variation", (Carlsson, M., Stein, R.F., Nordlund,
Å, Scharmer, G.B.), Astrophys. J., 610, L137, 2004.
"Excitation of Radial P-Modes in the Sun and Stars", (Stein, R. F.
Georgobiani, D., Trampedach, R., Ludwig, H.-G., & Nordlund, Å),
Solar Phys. 220, 229, 2004.
"Millimeter observations and Chromospheric Dynamics", (Loukitcheva,
M., Solanki, S. K., Carlsson, M. & Stein, R. F.), Astron. &
Astrophys., 419, 747L, 2004.
"Theory and Simulations of Solar Atmosphere Dynamics", (Stein, R.
F., Bogdan, T. J., Carlsson, M., Hansteen, V., McMurry, A., Rosenthal,
C. S., & Nordlund, Å.) Proceedings SOHO 13, ESA SP-547, 93, 2004.
"Understanding the Convective Sun", (Trampedach, R., Georgobiani,
D., Stein, R.F., Nordlund, Å.), in Local and Global
Helioseismology: the Prsent and Future, Proceedings SOHO12/GONG2002,
ed. H. Saway-Lacost, ESA SP-517, 195, 2003.
"Asymmetry Reversal in Solar Acoustic Modes", (Georgobiani, D.,
Stein, R.F., Nordlund, Å.), in Local and Global
Helioseismology: the Prsent and Future, Proceedings SOHO12/GONG2002,
ed. H. Saway-Lacost, ESA SP-517, 279, 2003.
"Magnetoconvection and Micropores",, (Bercik, D. J.; Nordlund, {\AA}.;
& Stein, R. F.), in Local and Global Helioseismology: the
Prsent and Future, Proceedings SOHO12/GONG2002, ed. H. Saway-Lacost,
ESA SP-517, 201-206, 2003.
"Waves in the Magnetized Solar Atmosphere. II. Waves from Localized Sources
in Magnetic Flux Concentration", (Bogdan, T.J., Hansteen, V., Carlsson,
M., McMurry, A., Rosenthal, C.S., Johnson, M. Petty-Powell, S., Zita,
E.J., Stein, R.F., McIntosh, S.W., Nordlund, Å.),
Astrophys. J., 599, 626, 2003.
"Solar Surface Magneto-Convection", (Stein, R. F. & Nordlund,
Å), in Modeling Stellar Atmospheres,
eds. N. Piskunov, W.W. Weiss, & D.F. Gray, ASP IAU Symposium 210,
169, 2003.
"On the Origin of the Basal Emission from Stellar Atmospheres:
Analysis of Solar CII Lines", (Judge, P. G., Carlsson, M. &
Stein, R. F.), Astrophys. J. 597, 1158, 2003.
"What Causes P-mode Asymmetry Reversal?", (Georgobiani, D.,
Stein, R. F., & Nordlund, Å.), Astrophys. J. 596, 698,
"Numerical 3D Constraints on Covective Eddy Time-Correlations:
Consequences for Stochastic Excitation of Solar P-Modes"
(Samadi, R., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R. F., Goupil, M. J. &
Roxburgh, I.), Astron. & Astronphys. 404, 1129, 2003.
"Numerical Constraints on the Model of Stochastic Excitation of
Solar-Type Oscillations" (Samadi, R., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R.
F., Goupil, M. J. &
Roxburgh, I.), Astron. & Astronphys. 403, 303, 2003.
"Stochastic Excitation of Gravity Waves by Overshooting Convection in
Solar-Type Stars" (Dintrans, B., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., &
Stein, R. F.) Astrophys. & Space Phys. 284, 237, 2003.
"Towards 3D NLTE Radiation Magneto-Hydrodynamics", (Carlsson, M.
& Stein, R. F.), in Stellar Atmosphere Modeling,
eds. I. Hubeny, D. Mihalas, K. Werner, ASP Conf. Ser. 288,
505-518, 2003.
"Radiation Transfer in 3D Numerical Simulations", (Stein, R.
F. & Nordlund, Å), in Stellar Atmosphere Modeling,
eds. I. Hubeny, D. Mihalas, K. Werner, ASP Conf. Ser. 288,
519-532, 2003.
"Solar Surface Magneto-Convection", (Stein, R. F., Bercik, D.
& Nordlund, Å), in Current Theoretical Models and High
Resolution Solar Observations: Preparing for ATST, eds. A. A. Pevtsov
& H. Uitenbroek, ASP Conf. Ser 286, 121-132, 2003.
"Solar Surface Magneto-Convection and Dynamo Action", (Stein, R.
F. & Nordlund, Å), in Magnetic Coupling of the Solar
Atmosphere, IAU Colloquium 188, ESA Publ. SP-505, 83-89, 2002.
"Consequences of the non gaussian character of the stochastic
excitation for solar-type oscillations", (Samadi, R.; Nordlund,
Å.; Stein, R. F.; Goupil, M.-J.; Roxburgh, I.), in EdP-Sciences
(Editions de Physique) conf. ser., eds. F. Combes and D. Barret, SF2A-2002,
489, 2002.
"Wave processes in the solar upper atmosphere", (Carlsson, M. &
Stein, R. F.), in Magnetic Coupling of the Solar
Atmosphere, IAU Colloquium 188, ESA Publ. SP-505, 293-300, 2002.
"Waves in Magnetic Flux Concentrations: The Critical Role
of Mode Mixing and Interference", (Bogdan, T.J., Rosenthal, C. S.,
Carlsson, M., Hansteen, V., McMurry, A., Zita, E. J., Johnson, M.,
Petty-Powell, S., McIntosh, S. W., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R. F., &
Dorch, S. B. F., Astron. Nachr. 323, 196, 2002.
"Dynamic Hydrogen Ionization", (Carlsson, M. & Stein, R. F.),
Astrophys. J., 572, 626-635, 2002.
"Waves in the Magnetized Solar Atmosphere I: Basic Processes and
Internetwork Oscillations", (Rosenthal, C.S., Bogdan, T.J., Carlsson,
M., Dorch, S.B.F., Hansteen, V., McIntosh, S.W., McMurry, A., Nordlund,
Å, Stein, R. F.), Astrophys. J., 564, 508-524, 2002.
"Solar Convection and Magneto-Convection Simulations",
(Stein, R. F., Bercik, D. & Nordlund, Å.), Il Nuovo Cimento C,
Geophys. Space Phys., 25, 513-522, 2002.
"A simulation of solar convection at supergranulation scale",
(Rieutord, M., Ludwig, H.-G., Roudier, T., Nordlund, Å., and Stein,
R. F.), Il Nuovo Cimento C, Geophys. Space Phys., 25, 532, 2002.
``Dynamics and Energetics of the Solar Chromosphre'' (Carlsson, M.
and Stein, R. F.), in SOHO 11, From Solar Min to Max: Half a Solar
Cycle with SOHO, ESA SP 508, 245-251, (2002)
"Are Granules Good Tracers of Solar Velocity Fields",
(Rieutord, M., Roudier, T., Ludwig, H.-G., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R.
F.), Astron. & Astrophys., 377, L14-17, 2001.
"Solar Oscillations and Convection: II. Excitation of Radial
Oscillations", (Stein, R. F. and Nordlund, Å.), Astrophys. J.,
546, 585-603, 2001.
"Solar Oscillations and Convection: I. Formalism for Radial
Oscillations", (Nordlund, Å., and Stein, R. F.), Astrophys. J.,
546, 576-584, 2001.
"Magnetoconvection and the Solar Dynamo", (Nordlund, Å.,
Dorch, S.B.F., and Stein, R.F.), J. Astrophys. & Astron., 21,
307, 2000.
"The response of a turbulent accretion disc to an imposed
epicyclic shearing motion", (Torkelsson, U., Ogilivie, G. I.,
Brandenburg, A., Pringle, J. E., Nordlund, Å., and Stein, R. F.),
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 318, 47, 2000.
"Line formation in solar granulation. II. The photospheric Fe
abundance", (Asplund, M., Nordlund, Å., Trampedach, R., and Stein,
R. F.), Astron. and Astroph., 359, 743-754, 2000.
"Line formation in solar granulation. I. Fe line shapes, shifts
and asymmetries", (Asplund, M., Nordlund, Å., Trampedach, R.,
Allende Prieto, C. and Stein, R. F.), Astron. and Astroph., 359,
729-742, 2000.
"The effects of numerical resolution on hydrodynamical surface
convection simulations and spectral line formation", (Asplund, M.,
Ludwig, H.-G., Nordlund, Å. and Stein, R. F.), Astron. and Astrophys.,
359, 669-681, 2000.
"Excitation of Chromospheric Wave Transients by Collapsing Granules",
(Skartlien, R., Stein, R. F. and Nordlund, Å.), Astrophys. J.,
541, 468-488, 2000.
"Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in accretion discs",
(Torkelsson, U., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R. F.),
in Highly energetic physical processes and mechanisms for emission
from astrophysical plasmas, eds. P. C. H. Martens, S. Tsuruta, M. A.
Weber, IAU Symp. 195, Ast. Soc. Pac., 241-242, 2000.
"Realistic Solar Convection Simulations", (Stein, R. F. and Nordlund,
Å.), Solar Phys., 192, 91-108, 2000.
"Numerical Simulations of Oscillation Modes of the Solar Convection
Zone", Georgobiani, D. Kosovichev, A.G., Nigam, R., Nordlund,
Å, Stein, R.F.) Astrophys. J., 530, L139-L142, 2000.
"3-D Convection Models: Are They Compatible with 1-D Models?",
(Nordlund, Å. and Stein, R. F.), in The Impact of Large-Scale
Surveys on Pulsating Star Research, IAU Colloq. 176, Eds. L.
Szabados and D. Kurtz, ASP Conf. Ser. 203, 362-372, 2000.
"Realistic Solar Surface Convection Simulations", (Stein, R. F.
and Nordlund, Å.), in Astrophysical Turbulence and Convection,
Eds. J. R. Buchler and H. Kandrup, Annals N.Y. Acad. Sci. 898,
21-38, 2000.
"The Excitation of Solar Oscillations: Observations and Simulations",
(Goode, P. R., Strous, L. H., Rimmele, T. R., Stein, R.
F. and Nordlund, Å.), in High Resolution Solar Physics: Theory,
Observations, and Techniques, Eds. T. R. Rimmele, K. S.
Balasubramaniam, and R. R. Radick.,
ASP Conference Series 183, 456, 1999.
"Convective contributions to the frequencies of solar oscillations",
(Rosenthal, C. S., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Nordlund, Å.,
Stein, R. F., Trampedach, R.), Astron. and Astrophys. 351,
689-700, 1999.
"Convection Simulations", (Nordlund, Å. and Stein, R. F.),
in Theory and Tests of Convective Energy Transport, Eds.
A. Gimenez, E. Guinan, and B. Montesinos, ASP Conf. Ser., 173, 91,
"Magneto-Convection", (Stein, R. F., Georgobiani, D., Bercik,
D. J., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å.), in Theory and Tests of
Convective Energy Transport, Eds. A. Gimenez, E. Guinan, and
B. Montesinos, ASP Conf. Ser., 173, 193, 1999.
"Stellar Evolution with a Variable Mixing-Length Parameter",
(Trampedach, R., Stein, R. F., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. and Nordlund,
Å.), in Theory and Tests of Convective Energy Transport, Eds.
A. Gimenez, E. Guinan, and B. Montesinos, ASP Conf. Ser., 173,
233, 1999.
"3D hydrodynamical model atmospheres of metal-poor stars. Evidence for
a low primordial Li abundance", (Asplund, M., Nordlund, Å.,
Trampedach, R., and Stein, R. F.), Astron. and Astrophys., 346,
L17-L20, 1999.
"The dynamics of turbulent viscosity", (Torkelsson, U., Ogilvie,
G. I., Pringle, J. E., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R. F.),
in High energy processes in accreting black holes, eds. J.
Poutanen & R. Svensson, ASP Conf. Ser., 161, 422-427, 1999.
"Convection and p-modes", (Stein, R. F. and Nordlund, Å.), in
Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like
Stars, SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop, Eds. S. Korzennik and A. Wilson, (ESA:
Noordwijk), SP-418, 693, (1998).
- "Tests of convective frequency effects with
SOI/MDI high-degree data", (Rosenthal, C. S.,
Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Kosovichev, A. G., Nordlund, Å.,
Reiter, J., Rhodes, E. J., Jr., Schou, J., Stein, R. F., and
Trampedach, R.), in Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the
Sun and Sun-like Stars, SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop, Eds. S. Korzennik
and A. Wilson, (ESA: Noordwijk), SP-418, 521, (1998).
"Stellar background power spectra from hydrodynamical simulations
of stellar atmospheres", (Trampedach, R. Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.,
Nordlund, Å. and Stein, R. F.), in Science with a
Small Space Telescope, First MONS Workshop, Eds. H. Kjeldsen, T.R.
Bedding, Aarhus Universitet, 59, (1998).
"Dynamics of Magnetic Flux Elements in the Solar Photosphere",
(van Ballegooijen, A. A., Nisenson, P., Noyes, R. W., Lofdahl, M. G.,
Stein, R. F., Nordlund, Å., and Krishnakumar, V.), Astrophys. J.,
509, 435-447, (1998).
"Excitation and Damping of P-Mode", (Nordlund, Å., and Stein,
Bob), in New eyes to see inside the sun and stars : pushing the
limits of helio- and asteroseismology with new observations from the
ground and from space, IAU Symposium 185, eds. F. L. Deubner, J.
Christensen-Dalsgaard,and D. Kurtz, (Kluwer:Dordrecht) 199, (1998).
"The New Chromosphere", (Carlsson, M. and Stein, R. F.), in
New eyes to see inside the sun and stars : pushing the limits of
helio- and asteroseismology with new observations from the ground and
from space, IAU Symposium 185, eds. F. L. Deubner, J.
Christensen-Dalsgaard and D. Kurtz, (Kluwer:Dordrecht) 435-446, (1998).
"Simulations of Solar Granulation: 1. General Properties",
(Stein, R. F. and Nordlund, Å), Astrophys. J., 499, 914-933,
"Exploring magnetohydrodynamic turbulence on the computer",
(Torkelsson, U., Ogilvie, G. I., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å.,
Stein, R. F.), in Accretion processes in astrophysical systems:
Some like it hot, eds. S. S. Holt, T. Kallman, (American Institute of
PhysicsConf. Proc.), 431, 69-72, (1998).
"Solar Magneto-Convection", (Bercik, D. J., Basu, S.,
Georgobiani, D., Nordlund, Å. and Stein, R. F.), in The Tenth
Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, Eds. R.
A. Donahue and J. A. Bookbinder, ASP Conf. Ser. 154, 568 (1998).
"Chromospheric Dynamics -- What Can We Learn from Numerical
Simlations", (Carlsson, M. and Stein, R. F.), in proc. 8th European
Solar Physics Meeting, eds. C. E. Alissandrakis, G. Simnett and L.
Vlahos, Lecture Notes in Physics, (Springer:Berlin), 489, 159-178,
"The non-magnetic solar chromosphere", (Carlsson, M. and Stein,
R. F.), in Solar magnetic fields, ed. V. H. Hansteen, (Institute
of Theoretical Astrophysics:Oslo), 59-69, (1997).
"Stellar Convection; General Properties", (Nordlund, Å. and
Stein, B.), in Solar Convection and Oscillations and their
Relationship eds. F.P.Pijpers, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, C.
Rosenthal, (Kluwer:Dordrecht), 79-103, (1997).
"Dynamic Behavior of the Solar Atmosphere", (Stein, R. F. and
Carlsson, M.), in Solar Convection and Oscillations and their
Relationship, eds. F.P.Pijpers, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, C. Rosenthal,
(Kluwer:Dordrecht), 261-276, (1997).
"Near-surface constraints on the structure of stellar convection
zones", (Trampedach, R., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Nordlund, Å.
and Steinr, R.F.), in Solar Convection and Oscillations and their
Relationship eds. F.P.Pijpers, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, C. Rosenthal,
(Kluwer:Dordrecht) 73-78, (1997).
"Sound Speed Variations Near the Photosphere due to Entropy
Perturbations in 3D Numerical Experiments", (Georgobiani, D., Kuhn,
J. R., and Stein, R. F.), in Solar Convection and Oscillations
and their Relationship eds. F.P.Pijpers, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, C.
Rosenthal, (Kluwer:Dordrecht), 127-130, (1997).
"Numerical Simulations Can Lead to New Insights", (Stein, R. F.,
Carlsson, M. and Nordlund, Å.), in Computational Astrophysics,
Procedings 12th Kingston Meeting on Theoretical Astrophysics,
eds. D. A. Clarke and M. J. West, (ASP Conf. Ser., 123, 72-77,
"Formation of Calcium H and K Grains",
(Carlsson, M. and Stein, R. F.), Astrophys. J. 481, 500, (1997).
"Solar Convection: Comparison of Numerical Simulations and Mixing
Length Theory", (Abbett, W. P., Beaver, M., Davids, B., Georgobiani,
D., Rathbur, P., and Stein, R. F.), Astrophys. J. 480, 395-399,
"Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in accretion disks: towards more
realistic models'', ( Torkelsson, U., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund,
Å., and Stein, R. F.), Accretion phenomena and related outflows,
IAU Coll. 163, eds. D. Wickramasinghe, L. Ferrario and G.
Bicknell, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., 121, 210-214, (1997).
"The nonlinear evolution of a single mode of the magnetic shearing
instability", (Torkelsson, U., Ogilvie, G. I., Brandenburg, A.,
Nordlund Å., and Stein, R. F.), in Accretion disks - New
aspects, eds. H. Spruit, E. Meyer-Hofmeister, (Springer-Verlag),
135-153, (1997).
"Magnetic Structures in a Dynamo Simulation", ( (Brandenburg, A.,
Jennings, Nordlund, Å., R. L., Rieutord, M., Stein, R. F. and
Tuominen, I.), J. Fluid Mech. 306, 325-357 (1996).
"Accounting for the Solar Acoustic and Luminosity Variations from
the Deep Convection Zone", (Kuhn, J. R. and Stein, R. F.), Astrophys. J.
Let., 463, L117, (1996).
"The Disk Accretion Rate for Dynamo Generated Turbulence",
(Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R.F., Torkelsson, U.),
Astrophys. J. Let. 458, L45 (1996).
"Visualizing Astrophysical 3D MHD Turbulence", ( Nordlund, Å.,
Galsgaard, K. and Stein, R. F.), in Applied Parallel
Computing, eds. J. Dongarra, K. Madsen, J Wasniewski, Lect. Notes
in Comp. Sci., 1041, 450-461, (Springer-Verlag: Berlin) (1996).
"Turbulent Viscosity in Accretion Discs",
(Torkelsson, U., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R.F.),
Astrophys. Let. & Comm., 34, 383-388 (1996).
``Solar Convection and Magneto-Convection",
(Basu, S., Bercik, D. G., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R. F.), in
Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere, eds. Y.
Uchida, T. Kosugi, and H. S. Hudson, (Dordrecht: Kluwer), 621, (1996).
``Dynamo-generated Turbulence in Disks: Value and Variability of
Alpha'', (Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R. F., and Torkelsson,
U.), in Basic Physics of Accretion Disks, eds. S. Kato,
(Gordon and Breach: ), 285-290, (1996).
``Supercomputer Windows into the Solar Convection Zone'',
Nordlund, Å., Stein, R. F., and Brandenburg, A.),
Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 24, 261-279, (1996).
``Dynamo Generated Turbulence and Large Scale Magnetic Fields in a
Keplerian Shear Flow", (Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R.F.,
Torkelsson, U.), Astrophys. J., 446, 777, (1995).
``Does a Non-Magnetic Solar Chromosphere Exist?", (Carlsson, M.
and Stein, R. F.), Astrophys. J. Let. 440, L29, (1995).
``Dynamo Generated Turbulence in Discs,'' (Brandenburg, A.,
Nordlund, Å., Stein, R. F., Torkelsson, U.), in Small-scale
structures in three-dimensional hydro and magnetohydrodynamic
turbulence, ed. M. Meneguzzi, A. Pouquet, & P. L. Sulem,
Lecture Notes in Physics 462, Springer-Verlag, pp.385-390,
``Convection: Significance for Stellar Structure and Evolution",
(Nordlund, Å. and Stein, R. F.), in Stellare Evolution: What
Should be Done: 32nd Liege Int. Astroph. Coll., eds. A. Noels, D.
Fraipont-Caro, M. Gabriel, N. Grevesse, P. Demarque, 32, 75-93,
"Subphotospheric Convection", (Stein, R.F. and Nordlund, Å.)
in Infrared Solar Physics, IAU Symposium 154, eds. D. Rabin, J.
Jefferies, and C. Lindsey (Kluwer: Dordrecht) 225-238 (1994).
``On Sound Generation by Turbulent Convection: A New Look at Old
Results", (Musielak, Z.E., Rosner, R., Stein,R.F., and Ulmschneider, P.)
Astrophys J, 423, 474-487, (1994).
``Magnetoconvection and Magnetoturbulence", (Nordlund, Å.,
Galsgaard, K. and Stein, R.F.), in Solar Surface Magnetism,
eds. R. Rutten and C. J. Schrijver, NATO ASI Series C433,
(Kluwer: Dordrecht) 471-500, (1994).
``MHD Simulations on Parallel Computers", (Stein, R.F., Galsgaard,
K. and Nordlund, Å.), in Lanczos International Centenary
Conference proceedings, eds. J. D. Brown, M. T. Chu, D. C. Ellison and
R. J. Plemmons, (SIAM) 440, (1994).
``Radiation Shock Dynamics in the Solar Chromosphere --
Results of Numerical Simulations", (Carlsson, M. and Stein, R. F.)
in Chromospheric Dynamics, ed. M. Carlsson, Univ. Oslo, 47, (1994)
``Calcium II phase relations and chromospheric dynamics",
(Skartlien, R., Carlsson, M. and Stein, R.F.) in Chromospheric
Dynamics, ed. M. Carlsson, Univ. Oslo, 79, (1994)
"Rotational Effects on Convection Simulated at Different Latitudes",
(Pulkkinen, P., Tuominen, I., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R.
F.), Astron. and Astrophys. 267, 265-274, (1993).
"Ionization Effects on Solar Granulation Dynamics", (Rast, M.P,
Nordlund, Å., Stein, R.F., Toomre, J.), in GONG 1992: Seismic
Investigation of the Sun and Stars, ed. Timothy M. Brown, Astron. Soc.
Pacific Conf. Ser. 42, 57-60 (1993).
``Ionization effects in three-dimensional granulation simulations'',
(Rast, M.P, Nordlund, Å., Stein, R.F., Toomre, J.),
Astrophys J, 408, L53-L56, (1993).
``Non-LTE Radiating Acoustic Shocks and Ca~II K2V Bright Points",
(Carlsson, M. and Stein, R. F.), Astrophys. J. Let. 397, L59, (1992).
``Dynamo Action in Stratified Convection with Overshoot",
(Nordlund, Å., Brandenburg, A., Jennings, R. L., Rieutord, M.,
Ruokolainen, J., Stein, R. F. and Tuominen, I.), Astrophys. J.
392, 647, (1992).
``Magneto-Convection", (Stein, R.F., Brandenburg, A. and
Nordlund, Å.) in Seventh Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars,
Stellar Systems and the Sun, eds. M. S. Giampapa and J. A. Bookbinder,
(Astron. Soc. Pac.) 26, 148, (1992).
``Ca II K2V Bright Grains Formed by Acoustic Waves'',
(Carlsson, M. and Stein, R. F.)
in Seventh Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars,
Stellar Systems and the Sun, eds. M. S. Giampapa and J. A.
Bookbinder, (Astron. Soc. Pac.) 26, 515, (1992).
``Evolution of a magnetic flux tube in two dimensional penetrative
convection'', Jennings, R.L., Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Stein,
R.F., Mon. Not. Royal Ast. Soc., 259, 465-473, (1992).
- ``Sun, Atmosphere, Chromosphere", (Robert F. Stein),
in the Astronomy and Astrophysics Encyclopedia,
ed. S.P. Maran, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 853-854 (1992).
- ``Magnetoacoustic Waves and their Generation by Convection'',
(R.F. Stein and Å. Nordlund), in Mechanisms of Chromospheric
and Coronal Heating, eds. P. Ulmschneider, E.R. Priest and R. Rosner,
(Springer-Verlag: Berlin), p. 386-401, (1991).
- ``Shock amplification by radiation'', (M. Carlsson and R.
Stein), in Mechanisms of Chromospheric and Coronal Heating, eds.
P. Ulmschneider, E.R. Priest and R. Rosner, (Springer-Verlag: Berlin),
p. 366-368, (1991).
- ``Convection and P-modes", (Åke Nordlund and Robert F.
Stein), Proceedings MINI-Workshop on ``Diagnostics of Solar Oscillation
Observations", eds. P. Maltby and E. Leer, Oslo, p. 37-59, (1991).
- ``Convection and its Influence on Oscillations'', (R.F. Stein and
Å. Nordlund), in Challenges to Theories of the Structure of
Moderate Mass Stars, eds. D. Gough and J. Toomre, Lecture Notes in
Physics 388, (Springer-Verlag: Berlin), 195-212, (1991).
- ``Granulation: non-adiabatic patterns and shocks'', (Å.
Nordlund and R.F. Stein), in Challenges to Theories of the
Structure of Moderate Mass Stars, eds. J. Toomre and D. Gough, Lecture
Notes in Physics 388, (Springer-Verlag: Berlin), 141-146,
- ``The Role of Overshoot in Solar Activity: A Direct Simulation of
the Dynamo", (A. Brandenburg, R.L. Jennings, Å. Nordlund, R.F.
Stein, and I. Tuominer), in The Sun and Cool Stars: Activity,
Magnetism, Dynamos, IAU Coll. 130, eds. I. Tuominen, D. Moss and G.
R\"{u}diger, (Springer-Verlag), 86-88, (1991).
- ``Magnetic Tubes in Overshooting Compressible Convection", (R.L.
Jennings, A. Brandenburg, Å. Nordlund, R.F. Stein, and I.
Tuominer), in The Sun and Cool Stars: Activity, Magnetism,
Dynamos, IAU Coll. 130, eds. I. Tuominen, D. Moss and G.
R\"{u}diger, (Springer-Verlag), 92-94, (1991).
- ``Simulation of rotational effects on turbulence in the solar
convective zone", (Pulkkinen, P., Tuominen, I., Brandenburg, A.,
Nordlund, Å., Stein, R.F.), in {\em The Sun and cool stars: activity,
magnetism, dynamos, IAU Coll. 130, eds. I. Tuominen, D. Moss & G.
R\"udiger, Lecture Notes in Physics, (Springer-Verlag), 98-100, (1991).
- ``Topology of Solar Convection'', (R. F. Stein and Å.
Nordlund), in chapter {\em Developments in Solar/Stellar Convection
Theory, in {\em The Solar Interior and Atmosphere, ed A. N. Cox, Univ.
of Arizona Press, 223-274 (1991).
- ``Dynamics of and radiative transfer in inhomogeneous media",
(Å. Nordlund and R. F. Stein), in ``Stellar Atmospheres: Beyond
Classical Models'', eds.: L. Crivellari & I. Hubeny, NATO ASI Series,
p 263, (Kluwer: Dordrecht), (1991).
- ``Magnetic flux tubes as coherent structures,'' (Brandenburg, A.,
Jennings, R. L., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R.F.), in {\em Spontaneous
formation of space-time structures and criticality, eds. T. Riste &
D. Sherrington, Nato ASI Series, 371-374, (Kluwer: Dordrecht),
``Solar Magnetoconvection'', (Å. Nordlund and R. F. Stein),
in Solar Photosphere: Structure, Convection, Magnetic Fields,
IAU Symposium 138, ed. J. O. Stenflo 191-211 (Kluwer: Dordrecht),
- ``3-D Simulations of Solar Convection and Magnetoconvection'',
(Å. Nordlund and R. F. Stein), Comp. Phys. Comm. 59, 119,
"3-D Simulation of Turbulent Cyclonic Magneto-Convection",
(A. Brandenburg, Å. Nordlund, P. Pulkkinen, R.F. Stein, I.
Tuominen), Astron. and Astrophys. 232, 277-291, (1990).
- ``Turbulent Diffusivities Derived from Simulations'',
(A. Brandenburg, Å. Nordlund, P. Pulkkinen, R.F. Stein, I.
Tuominen), in {\em Proceedings of the Finnish Astronomical Society
1990, eds. K. Muinonen, M. Kokko, S. Pohjolainen, and P. Hakala,
Helsinki, p. 1-4, (1990).
- ``Driving and Damping of Oscillations'', (R.F. Stein and
Å. Nordlund), in {\em Progress of Seismology of the Sun and Stars,
eds. Y.Osaki and H.Shibahashi, Lecture Notes in Physics 367,
93-101, (Springer-Verlag: Berlin), (1990)
- ``Non-LTE Radiative Hydrodynamic Interactions in the Solar
Chromosphere.'', (M. Carlsson, R.F. Stein), in {\em Proceedings of the
MINI-Workshop on Physical Processes in the Solar Transition-region and
Corona, eds. P. Maltby, and E. Leer, Oslo, p. 177-184, (1990).
``Topology of Convection Beneath the Solar Surface'', (R. F.
Stein and Å. Nordlund), Astrophys. J. Lett. 342, L95, (1989).
- ``Convection and Waves", (R. F. Stein, Å. Nordlund and
J.R. Kuhn) in Solar and Stellar Granulation, eds. R.J. Rutten and
G. Severino, NATO ASI Series 263, 381-399, (Kluwer: Dordrecht),
- ``Simulating Magneto-Convection", (A. Nordlund and R. F.
Stein) in Solar and Stellar Granulation, eds. R.J. Rutten and G.
Severino, NATO ASI Series 263, 453-470, (Kluwer: Dordrecht),
- ``Simulation of MHD Convection as a Test for Mean Field
Theories'', (A. Brandenburg, P. Pulkkinen, I. Tuominen, Å.
Nordlund and R. F. Stein) in {\em Nonlinear Phenomena in MHD
Turbulence, eds. A. Pouquet, M. Meneguzzi and P. L. Sulem, 125,
(Elsevier Science Publ.), (1989).
- ``Convection and P-Mode Oscillations", (R. F. Stein, Å.
Nordlund and J.R. Kuhn), in Seismology of the Sun and Sun-Like
Stars, ESA SP-286, 529-532, (1988).
- ``Non-Magnetic Motions in the Photosphere and Chromosphere",
proceedings Solar Optical Telescope workshop on Theoretical Problems in
High Resolution Solar Physics, ed. H.U. Schmidt, 48, (1985).
- ``Can Progressive Acoustic Waves Interact with
Evanescent p-Modes in the Solar Chromosphere?", (with H.U.Bohn)
proceedings Solar Optical Telescope workshop on Theoretical Problems in
High Resolution Solare Physics, ed. H.U. Schmidt, 331, (1985).
- ``Mechanisms for Chromospheric Heating", proceedings NSO
conference on Chromospheric Diagnostics and Modeling, ed. Bruce Lites, 213,
- ``Dynamical Behavior of a Theoretical Chromosphere Model" (with
H.U. Bohn), proceedings NSO conference on Chromospheric Diagnostics and
Modeling, ed. Bruce Lites, 228, (1984).
``On the Modal Structure of the Solar Oscillations",
Astron. Astrophys., 105, 417-418 (1982).
``Heating of Stellar Chromospheres when Magnetic Fields are
Present", (with P. Ulmschneider) Astron. Astrophys., 106, 9-13
``Solar Atmospheric Dynamics II. Nonlinear, Initial Value
Models of the Photospheric and Chromospheric Oscillations" (with J.
Leibacher and P. Gouttebroze) Astrophys. J., 258, 393-403,
- ``Chromospheric and Coronal Heating Mechanisms" (with J.
Leibacher) 2nd Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the
Sun, Proceedings, ed. M. Giampapa SAO Special Report 392.
- ``Dynamics of the Venus Ionosphere I: A Simulation of
the Solar Wind Compression of the Upper Dayside Ionosphere" (with R. S.
Wolff and H. A. Taylor) J. Geophys. Res., 87, 8118-8130,
- ``Dynamics of the Venus Ionosphere II. The Effects of the
Timescale of the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Variations" (with R. S. Wolff)
Icarcus, 51, 296-301, (1982).
``Stellar Chromospheric and Coronal Heating by
Magnetohydrodynamic Waves", Astrophysical Journal, 246, 966-971
- ``Wave Generation" (with J. Leibacher) in The Sun as a
Star, ed. S. Jordan, NASA/CNRS (1981).
- ``Oscillations and Pulsations" (with J. Leibacher) in The
Sun as a Star, ed. S. Jordan, NASA/CNRS (1981).
- ``Mechanical Energy Transport" (with J. Leibacher) in ``Stellar
Turbulence" Proc. Colloq. 51, IAU, Ed. D. F. Gray and J. L. Linsky,
Lecture Note in Phys., 114, 225-247, Springer-Verlag, New York (1980).
- ``Small Scale Dissipative Processes in Stellar Atmospheres"
(with J. Leibacher), in Highlights of Astronomy, 5, 581-590
- ``Solar Atmospheric Dynamics", Air Force Geophysical Laboratory
Report AFGL-TR-80-0108 (1980).
- ``Deviations from LTE in a Stellar Atmosphere" (with W. Kalkofen
and R. I. Klein), J. Quan. Spectr. and Rad. Transf., 21, 355
``Radiative Shock Dynamics: II. Hydrogen Continua",
(Klein, R. I., Stein, R. F. and Kalkofen, W.)
Astrophys. J., 220, 1024-1040 (1978).
``Radiative Shock Dynamics I. The Lyman Continuum" (Klein, R. I.,
Stein, R. F. and Kalkofen, W.) Astrophys. J., 205, 499-519 (1976).
- ``Radiative Shock Dynamics" in ``Interpretation of Atmospheric
Structure in the Presence of Inhomogeneities" ed. C. J. Cannon, I.A.U.
Commission 12 Proceedings (1976).
``Thermal Instability in Supernova Shells", (with R. McCray and
M. Kafatos) Astrophys. J., 196, 565-570 (1975).
``Waves in the Solar Atmosphere IV. Magneto-Gravity and
Acoustic-Gravity Modes", (with R. Schwartz) Astrophys. J., 200,
499-502 (1975).
- ``Non-Linear Dynamics of Stellar Atmospheres" (with J.
Leibacher) in ``Physique des Mouvements dan les Atmospheres Stellaires"
proc. C.N.R.S. colloquium No. 250, p. 69-102, eds. R. Cayrel and M.
Steinberg (1975).
``Waves in the Solar Atmosphere" (with J. Leibacher), Ann.
Rev. Astron. and Astrophys., 12, 407-435 (1974).
``Galaxy Formation from Primordial Turbulence", Astron.
and Astrophys., 35, 17-29 (1974).
``Waves in the Solar Atmosphere III: The Propagation of
Periodic Wave Trains in a Gravitational Atmosphere" (with R. Schwartz),
Astrophys. J., 186, 1083 (1973).
``Formation of Clouds in a Cooling Interstellar Medium" (with
J. Schwarz and R. McCray), Astrophys. J., 175, 673-686 (1972).
``Formation of Filaments in Fossil H II Regions" (with R.
McCray and J. Schwarz) Astrophys. J. Lett., 177, L75-78 (1972).
``Waves in the Solar Atmosphere II: Large Amplitude Acoustic
Pulse Propagation" (with R. Schwartz), Astrophys. J., 177,
807-828 (1972).
``Formation of Protostars by Thermal Instability" (with R.
McCray and J. Schwarz), Astrophys. J. Lett., 177, L125-128
``Reflection, Refraction and Coupling of MHD Waves at a Density
Step", Astrophys. J. Suppl., 22, 419-444 (1971).
- ``A New Description of the Solar Five Minute Oscillation",
(J. Leibacher & R. F. Stein), Astrophys. Lett., 7, 191 (1971).
- ``On the Five Minute Oscillation of the Solar Atmosphere" (Stein, R.
F. & Leibacher, J.), Astrophys. Lett., 3, 95-96 (1969).
- ``Chromospheric and Coronal Heating by Shock Waves", Proc. of
Conf. on the ``Chromosphere-Corona Transition Region", High Altitude
Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO (1969).
``Waves in the Solar Atmosphere I. The Acoustic Energy Flux",
Astrophys. J., 154, 297 (1968).
- ``Radiative Damping of Sound Waves" (with E. A. Spiegel),
J. Acous. Soc. Amer., 42, 866 (1967).
``Generation of Acoustic and Gravity Waves by Turbulence in an
Isothermal Stratified Atmosphere", Solar Phys., 2, 385 (1967).
- ``Stellar Evolution: A Survey with Analytic Models" in
Stellar Evolution, ed. R. F. Stein and A. G. W. Cameron (Plenum Press, New
York, 1966).
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