Teng Yang

Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae [pdf]

Teng Yang    
Ph.D. of Physics Telephone: +86-15998154791 (home)
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Division   +86-24-83978119 (office)
Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences FAX: +86-24-23891320
72 Wenhua Road E-mail: yangteng@imr.ac.cn
Shenyang 110016, China URL: http://www.pa.msu.edu/~yang/


2009 Ph.D. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A.
2002 M.S. Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
1999 Bc.S. Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

Professional Experience

2004-2009 Research Assistant at Michigan State University
2002-2003 Teaching Assistant at Michigan State University
1999-2002 Research Assistant at Nanjing University


(a) In pursuit of my masters degree:
01. T Yang, Z H Wang, H Zhang, Y Nie, J Fang, H Luo, X F Wu and S Y Ding
"In-plane and out-of-plane magnetoresistivity in a MTG Er-doped YBCO crystal"
Superconductor Science and Technology 15, 586-591 (2002) [pdf]

02. T. Yang, Z.H. Wang, H. Zhang, Y. Nie, L. Qiu
"Peak effect in the MTG-YBa2-xNaxCu3Oy single crystals"
Physica C 386 (2003) 69-72 [pdf]

03. T. Yang, Z.H. Wang, H. Zhang, J. Fang, Y. Nie, L. Qiu, S.Y. Ding
"Effective activation energy and phase diagram in the Er-doping MTG-YBa2Cu3O7-d crystal"
Physica C 384 (2003) 130-136. [pdf]

(b) In pursuit of my Ph.D. degree:
04. Teng Yang, Shinya Okano, Savas Berber, and David Tománek
"Interplay between structure and magnetism in Mo12S9I9 nanowires"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 125502 (2006). [pdf]

05. Igor Popov, Teng Yang, Savas Berber, Gotthard Seifert and David Tomanek
"Unique Structural and Transport Properties of Molybdenum chalcogenide nanowires"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 085503 (2007) [pdf]

06. R.K.Raman, Y. Murooka, C.Y.Ruan, T.Yang, S. Berber, D. Tomanek
"Direct observation of optically induced transient structures in graphite using ultrafast electron crystallography"
Phys. Rev. Letts. 101 077401, (2008). [pdf]

07. Teng Yang, Savas Berber, Jun-Fu Liu, Glen P. Miller, and David Tomanek
"Self-assembly of long chain alkanes and their derivatives on graphite"
Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 124709 (2008) [pdf]

08. Teng Yang, Savas Berber, and David Tomanek
"Compositional ordering and quantum transport in Mo6S9-xIx nanowires: Ab initio calculations"
Phys. Rev. B 77, 165426 (2008) [pdf]

09. Bogdan Diaconescu, Teng Yang, Savas Berber, Mikael Jazdzyk, Glen P. Miller, David Tomanek, and Karsten Phohl,
"Molecular self-assembly of funtionalized fullerenes on a closed packed metal surface"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 056102 (2009) [pdf]

Research Experience

In pursuit of my Ph.D degree, I have been working on atomic scale electronic and structural properties
of nanostructures using ab. initio Density Functional calculations under the supervision of Professor
David Tomanek in Michigan State University. From carbon materials such as graphite and organic polymers
to transitional metal chalcogenides nanowires(TMCN), I have been trying to understand both fundamental
properties and possible applications.

(1) In one of TMCN or so-called Mo6S9-xIx nanowires, based on the experimental observation, I advanced
the study, found this special material can be easily stretched 20% with almost no energy cost, and predicted
an interesting magnetic occurrence concurrent with the mechanical change. This may help to pave a possible
way for nano-scale spin valve. [pdf]

(2) Using ab initio calculations we studied the compositional ordering and quantum transport in Mo6S9-xIx
nanowires. The skeleton of these nanowires consists of Mo octahedra, which are functionalized by S and I
adsorbates and connected by flexible S3 bridges. The optimum geometries and relative stabilities at different
compositions are determined by using density functional theory. We find nanowires with x=3 to be particularly
stable. Nanowires with other compositions are likely to phase separate into iodine-rich and iodine-depleted
domains, some of which should have the Mo6S6I3 stoichiometry. Our transport calculations, which are based
on the nonequilibrium Green's function formalism, indicate that the nanowires are metallic independent of
composition and exhibit a quantum conductance of G=3G0, with the three conductance channels involving the
S3 bridges. [pdf]

(3) In M2Mo6S6 nanowires which originates from chevrel phase and needs counter-ion for its stability
we proposed to use iodine doping (Mo6S6-xIx) which is more convenient to realize the structural and
electronic stability. The combinational advantages of such nanowires over conventional carbon nanotubes,
such as uniform metallic properties, easy dispersion and capability of forming ideal contacts to Au leads
through thio-group, highlight it as a wonderful candidate complement to carbon nanotubes in variety of
applications. [pdf]

(4) In collaboration with prof. Chuan-Yu Ruan and his experimental group who uses ultra-fast electron
diffraction with aid of femto-second laser pulse, we found and tried to understand some novel lattice
contraction between graphite inter-layers following the photo-excitation. [pdf]

(5) Simulations of soft system such as alkane chain and derivatives adsorption on graphite has been a big
challenge and also attracted my research attentions. I have been cooperating with Professor Glen P Miller
experimental group from University of New Hampshire. We identified the optimum adsorption geometry of the
molecules, explained the energetic origin of the domain morphology observed by STM. By studying the interplay
between adsorbate-adsorbate and adsorbate-substrate interactions, we provide a quantitative interpretation
and allow for predictions concerning the effect of specific functional groups on corresponding self-assembled
superstructures. [pdf]


Proficiency in FORTRAN language and programming, some experience in HTML and
python programming language and matplotlib. Skillful in the software GNUplot,
XCrysDen, Molekel, Rasmol/Raswin, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Origin, and
operation systems OS Linux, Windows XP.

Expertise in following commercial/noncommercial FORTRAN codes:

SIESTA (ab initio electronic structure simulation software using localized basis set);
Quantum-Espresso (ab initio electronic structure simulation software using plane-wave basis set);
Atomistix (First-principle simulation software for nanoscale quantum transport properties)
CTPMD (Carbon-Tersoff-Potential-Molecular-Dynamics program)

Honors and prizes

(since Aug. 2002)
2002 Physics student fellowship
2006 Thomas. A. Kaplan award
2006 Nanotube conference 06 student fellowship
2008 Dissertation Completion Fellowship award

Extracurricular Activities

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Last update:   2008.04.26 (Friday) 00:12:37 EST by Teng Yang - yang@pa.msu.edu.