/* * @(#)HtmlStandardWriter.java 1.2 99/08/09 * * Copyright 1998, 1999 by Sun Microsystems, Inc., * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California, 94303, U.S.A. * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information * of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You * shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement * you entered into with Sun. */ package com.sun.tools.doclets.standard; import com.sun.tools.doclets.*; import com.sun.javadoc.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import java.text.MessageFormat; /** * Class for the Html Format Code Generation specific to JavaDoc. * This Class contains methods related to the Html Code Generation which * are used extensively while generating the entire documentation. * * @since JDK1.2 * @author Atul M Dambalkar * @author Robert Field */ public class HtmlStandardWriter extends HtmlDocWriter { /** * Destination directory name as specified on the command line. */ public static final String destdir = Standard.configuration().destdirname; /** * Relative path from the file getting generated to the current or the * destination directory. For example, if the file getting generated is * "java/lang/Object.html", then the relative path string is "../..". */ public String relativepath = ""; /** * Directory path from the current or the destination directory to the file * getting generated. For example, if the file getting generated is * "java/lang/Object.html", then the path string is "java/lang". */ public String path = ""; /** * Name of the file getting generated. If the file getting generated is * "java/lang/Object.html", then the filename is "Object.html". */ public String filename = ""; /** * Relative path from the destination directory to the current directory. * For example if the destination directory is "core/api/docs", then the * backpat string will be "../../". */ public String backpath = DirectoryManager.getBackPath(destdir); /** * The display length used for indentation while generating the class page. */ public int displayLength = 0; /** * The classdoc for the class file getting generated. */ public static ClassDoc currentcd = null; // Set this classdoc in the // ClassWriter. /** * Constructor to construct the HtmlStandardWriter object. * * @param filename File to be generated. */ public HtmlStandardWriter(String filename) throws IOException { super(filename); this.filename = filename; } /** * Constructor to construct the HtmlStandardWriter object. * * @param path Value for the variable {@link path}. * @param filename File to be generated. * @param relativepath Value for the variable {@link relativepath}. */ public HtmlStandardWriter(String path, String filename, String relativepath) throws IOException { super(path, filename); this.path = path; this.relativepath = relativepath; this.filename = filename; } public String replaceDocRootDir(String htmlstr) { int index = htmlstr.indexOf("{@"); if (index < 0) { return htmlstr; } String lowHtml = htmlstr.toLowerCase(); index = lowHtml.indexOf("{@docroot}", index); if (index < 0) { return htmlstr; } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); int previndex = 0; String relpathmod = relativepath.equals("")? ".": relativepath; relpathmod = relpathmod.endsWith("/")? relpathmod.substring(0, relpathmod.length() - 1): relpathmod; do { buf.append(htmlstr.substring(previndex, index)); previndex = index + 10; if (htmlstr.charAt(previndex) == '/') { //URL Separator buf.append(relpathmod); } else { buf.append(relativepath); } if (previndex == (htmlstr.length() - 1)) { break; } index = lowHtml.indexOf("{@docroot}", previndex); } while (index > 0); if (previndex < htmlstr.length() - 1) { buf.append(htmlstr.substring(previndex)); } return buf.toString(); } /** * Print Html Hyper Link, with target frame. * * @param link String name of the file. * @param where Position in the file * @param target Name of the target frame. * @param label Tag for the link. * @param bold Whether the label should be bold or not? */ public void printTargetHyperLink(String link, String where, String target, String label, boolean bold) { print(getTargetHyperLink(link, where, target, label, bold)); } /** * Get Html Hyper Link, with target frame. * * @param link String name of the file. * @param where Position in the file * @param target Name of the target frame. * @param label Tag for the link. * @param bold Whether the label should be bold or not? */ public String getTargetHyperLink(String link, String where, String target, String label, boolean bold) { StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); str.append(" 0) { str.append("#" + where); } str.append("\""); str.append(" TARGET=\""); str.append(target); str.append("\">"); if(bold) { str.append(""); } str.append(label); if(bold) { str.append(""); } str.append(""); return str.toString(); } /** * Print Html Hyper Link, with target frame. * * @param link String name of the file. * @param target Name of the target frame. * @param label Tag for the link. * @param bold Whether the label should be bold or not? */ public void printTargetHyperLink(String link, String target, String label, boolean bold) { printTargetHyperLink(link, "", target, label, bold); } /** * Print bold Html Hyper Link, with target frame. The label will be bold. * * @param link String name of the file. * @param target Name of the target frame. * @param label Tag for the link. */ public void printBoldTargetHyperLink(String link, String target, String label) { printTargetHyperLink(link, target, label, true); } /** * Print Html Hyper Link, with target frame. * * @param link String name of the file. * @param target Name of the target frame. * @param label Tag for the link. */ public void printTargetHyperLink(String link, String target, String label) { printTargetHyperLink(link, "", target, label, false); } /** * Print Class link, with target frame. * * @param cd The class to which link is. * @param target Name of the target frame. */ public void printTargetClassLink(ClassDoc cd, String target) { String filename = cd.name() + ".html"; printTargetHyperLink(filename, target, (cd.isInterface())? italicsText(cd.name()): cd.name()); } /** * Print Package link, with target frame. * * @param pd The link will be to the "package-summary.html" page for this * package. * @param target Name of the target frame. * @param label Tag for the link. */ public void printTargetPackageLink(PackageDoc pd, String target, String label) { printTargetHyperLink(pathString(pd, "package-summary.html"), target, label); } /** * Print the html file header. Also print Html page title and stylesheet * default properties. * * @param title String title for the generated html file. */ public void printHeader(String title) { println(""); println(""); html(); head(); print(""); if (Standard.configuration().charset.length() > 0) { println(""); } title(); println(title); titleEnd(); printStyleSheetProperties(); headEnd(); body("white"); } /** * Print user specified header and the footer. * * @param header if true print the user provided header else print the * user provided footer. */ public void printUserHeaderFooter(boolean header) { em(); if (header) { print(replaceDocRootDir(Standard.configuration().header)); } else { if (Standard.configuration().footer.length() != 0) { print(replaceDocRootDir(Standard.configuration().footer)); } else { print(replaceDocRootDir(Standard.configuration().header)); } } emEnd(); } /** * Print the user specified bottom. */ public void printBottom() { hr(); print(replaceDocRootDir(Standard.configuration().bottom)); } /** * Print the navigation bar for the Html page at the top and and the bottom. * * @param header If true print navigation bar at the top of the page else * print the nevigation bar at the bottom. */ protected void navLinks(boolean header) { println(""); println(""); if (!Standard.configuration().nonavbar) { if (header) { anchor("navbar_top"); } else { anchor("navbar_bottom"); } table(0, "100%", 1, 0); tr(); tdColspanBgcolorStyle(2, "#EEEEFF", "NavBarCell1"); println(""); if (header) { anchor("navbar_top_firstrow"); } else { anchor("navbar_bottom_firstrow"); } table(0, 0, 3); print(" "); trAlignVAlign("center", "top"); if (Standard.configuration().createoverview) { navLinkContents(); } if (Standard.configuration().packages.length > 0) { navLinkPackage(); } navLinkClass(); if(Standard.configuration().classuse) { navLinkClassUse(); } if(Standard.configuration().createtree) { navLinkTree(); } if(!(Standard.configuration().nodeprecated || Standard.configuration().nodeprecatedlist)) { navLinkDeprecated(); } if(Standard.configuration().createindex) { navLinkIndex(); } if (!Standard.configuration().nohelp) { navLinkHelp(); } print(" "); trEnd(); tableEnd(); tdEnd(); tdAlignVAlignRowspan("right", "top", 3); printUserHeaderFooter(header); tdEnd(); trEnd(); println(""); tr(); tdBgcolorStyle("white", "NavBarCell2"); font("-2"); space(); navLinkPrevious(); space(); println(""); space(); navLinkNext(); fontEnd(); tdEnd(); tdBgcolorStyle("white", "NavBarCell2"); font("-2"); print(" "); navShowLists(); print(" "); space(); println(""); space(); navHideLists(); fontEnd(); tdEnd(); trEnd(); printSummaryDetailLinks(); tableEnd(); println(""); println(""); } } /** * Do nothing. This is the default method. */ protected void printSummaryDetailLinks() { } /** * Print link to the "overview-summary.html" page. */ protected void navLinkContents() { navCellStart(); printHyperLink(relativepath + "overview-summary.html", "", getText("doclet.Overview"), true, "NavBarFont1"); navCellEnd(); } /** * Description for a cell in the navigation bar. */ protected void navCellStart() { print(" "); tdBgcolorStyle("#EEEEFF", "NavBarCell1"); print(" "); } /** * Description for a cell in the navigation bar, but with reverse * high-light effect. */ protected void navCellRevStart() { print(" "); tdBgcolorStyle("#FFFFFF", "NavBarCell1Rev"); print(" "); space(); } /** * Closing tag for navigation bar cell. */ protected void navCellEnd() { space(); tdEnd(); } /** * Print link to the "package-summary.html" page for the package passed. * * @param pkg Package to which link will be generated. */ protected void navLinkPackage(PackageDoc pkg) { printPackageLink(pkg, getFontColor("NavBarFont1") + getBold() + getText("doclet.Package") + getBoldEnd() + getFontEnd()); } /** * Print the word "Package" in the navigation bar cell, to indicate that * link is not available here. */ protected void navLinkPackage() { navCellStart(); fontStyle("NavBarFont1"); printText("doclet.Package"); fontEnd(); navCellEnd(); } /** * Print the word "Use" in the navigation bar cell, to indicate that link * is not available. */ protected void navLinkClassUse() { navCellStart(); fontStyle("NavBarFont1"); printText("doclet.navClassUse"); fontEnd(); navCellEnd(); } /** * Print link for previous file. * * @param prev File name for the prev link. */ public void navLinkPrevious(String prev) { String tag = getText("doclet.Prev"); if (prev != null) { printHyperLink(prev, "", tag, true) ; } else { print(tag); } } /** * Print the word "PREV" to indicate that no link is available. */ protected void navLinkPrevious() { navLinkPrevious(null); } /** * Print link for next file. * * @param next File name for the next link. */ public void navLinkNext(String next) { String tag = getText("doclet.Next"); if (next != null) { printHyperLink(next, "", tag, true); } else { print(tag); } } /** * Print the word "NEXT" to indicate that no link is available. */ protected void navLinkNext() { navLinkNext(null); } /** * Print "FRAMES" link, to switch to the frame version of the output. * * @param link File to be linked, "index.html". */ protected void navShowLists(String link) { printBoldTargetHyperLink(link, "_top", getText("doclet.FRAMES")); } /** * Print "FRAMES" link, to switch to the frame version of the output. */ protected void navShowLists() { navShowLists(relativepath + "index.html"); } /** * Print "NO FRAMES" link, to switch to the non-frame version of the output. * * @param link File to be linked. */ protected void navHideLists(String link) { printBoldTargetHyperLink(link, "_top", getText("doclet.NO_FRAMES")); } /** * Print "NO FRAMES" link, to switch to the non-frame version of the output. */ protected void navHideLists() { navHideLists(filename); } /** * Print "Tree" link in the navigation bar. If there is only one package * specified on the command line, then the "Tree" link will be to the * only "package-tree.html" file otherwise it will be to the * "overview-tree.html" file. */ protected void navLinkTree() { navCellStart(); PackageDoc[] packages = Standard.configuration().packages; if (packages.length == 1) { printHyperLink(pathString(packages[0], "package-tree.html"), "", getText("doclet.Tree"), true, "NavBarFont1"); } else { printHyperLink(relativepath + "overview-tree.html", "", getText("doclet.Tree"), true, "NavBarFont1"); } navCellEnd(); } /** * Print "Tree" link to the "overview-tree.html" file. */ protected void navLinkMainTree(String label) { printHyperLink(relativepath + "overview-tree.html", label); } /** * Print the word "Class" in the navigation bar cell, to indicate that * class link is not available. */ protected void navLinkClass() { navCellStart(); fontStyle("NavBarFont1"); printText("doclet.Class"); fontEnd(); navCellEnd(); } /** * Print "Deprecated" API link in the navigation bar. */ protected void navLinkDeprecated() { navCellStart(); printHyperLink(relativepath + "deprecated-list.html", "", getText("doclet.navDeprecated"), true, "NavBarFont1"); navCellEnd(); } /** * Print link for generated index. If the user has used "-splitindex" * command line option, then link to file "index-files/index-1.html" is * generated otherwise link to file "index-all.html" is generated. */ protected void navLinkIndex() { navCellStart(); printHyperLink(relativepath + (Standard.configuration().splitindex? DirectoryManager.getPath("index-files") + fileseparator: "") + (Standard.configuration().splitindex? "index-1.html" : "index-all.html"), "", getText("doclet.Index"), true, "NavBarFont1"); navCellEnd(); } /** * Print help file link. If user has provided a help file, then generate a * link to the user given file, which is already copied to current or * destination directory. */ protected void navLinkHelp() { String helpfilenm = Standard.configuration().helpfile; if (helpfilenm.equals("")) { helpfilenm = "help-doc.html"; } else { int lastsep; if ((lastsep = helpfilenm.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar)) != -1) { helpfilenm = helpfilenm.substring(lastsep + 1); } } navCellStart(); printHyperLink(relativepath + helpfilenm, "", getText("doclet.Help"), true, "NavBarFont1"); navCellEnd(); } /** * Print the word "Detail" in the navigation bar. No link is available. */ protected void navDetail() { printText("doclet.Detail"); } /** * Print the word "Summary" in the navigation bar. No link is available. */ protected void navSummary() { printText("doclet.Summary"); } /** * Print the Html table tag for the index summary tables. The table tag * printed is * */ public void tableIndexSummary() { println("\n
"); } /** * Same as {@link #tableIndexSummary()}. */ public void tableIndexDetail() { println("\n
"); } /** * Print Html tag for table elements. The tag printed is * ", "", "", "", "

", "

", "
  • ", "
  • ", "
    ", "
    ", "", "", "
    ", "
    ", "

    ", "

    ", "

    ", "

    ", "

    ", "

    ", "

    ", "

    ", "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", "", "", "", "", "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", "", "
      ", "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", "
    . */ public void tdIndex() { print(""); } /** * Prine table header information about color, column span and the font. * * @param color Background color. * @param span Column span. */ public void tableHeaderStart(String color, int span) { trBgcolorStyle(color, "TableHeadingColor"); tdColspan(span); font("+2"); } /** * Print table header for the inherited members summary tables. Print the * background color information. * * @param color Background color. */ public void tableInheritedHeaderStart(String color) { trBgcolorStyle(color, "TableSubHeadingColor"); td(); } /** * Print "Use" table header. Print the background color and the column span. * * @param color Background color. */ public void tableUseInfoHeaderStart(String color) { trBgcolorStyle(color, "TableSubHeadingColor"); tdColspan(2); } /** * Print table header with the background color with default column span 2. * * @param color Background color. */ public void tableHeaderStart(String color) { tableHeaderStart(color, 2); } /** * Print table header with the column span, with the default color #CCCCFF. * * @param span Column span. */ public void tableHeaderStart(int span) { tableHeaderStart("#CCCCFF", span); } /** * Print table header with default column span 2 and default color #CCCCFF. */ public void tableHeaderStart() { tableHeaderStart(2); } /** * Print table header end tags for font, column and row. */ public void tableHeaderEnd() { fontEnd(); tdEnd(); trEnd(); } /** * Print table header end tags in inherited tables for column and row. */ public void tableInheritedHeaderEnd() { tdEnd(); trEnd(); } /** * Print the summary table row cell attribute width. * * @param width Width of the table cell. */ public void summaryRow(int width) { if (width != 0) { tdWidth(width + "%"); } else { td(); } } /** * Print the summary table row cell end tag. */ public void summaryRowEnd() { tdEnd(); } /** * Print the heading in Html

    format. * * @param str The Header string. */ public void printIndexHeading(String str) { h2(); print(str); h2End(); } /** * Print Html tag . * * @param arg Argument for the tag. */ public void frameSet(String arg) { println(""); } /** * Print Html closing tag . */ public void frameSetEnd() { println(""); } /** * Print Html tag . * * @param arg Argument for the tag. */ public void frame(String arg) { println(""); } /** * Print Html closing tag . */ public void frameEnd() { println(""); } /** * Return path to the class page for a classdoc. For example, the class * name is "java.lang.Object" and if the current file getting generated is * "java/io/File.html", then the path string to the class, returned is * "../../java/lang.Object.html". * * @param cd Class to which the path is requested. */ protected String pathToClass(ClassDoc cd) { return pathString(cd.containingPackage(), cd.name() + ".html"); } /** * Return the path to the class page for a classdoc. Works same as * {@link #pathToClass(ClassDoc)}. * * @param cd Class to which the path is requested. * @param name Name of the file(doesn't include path). */ protected String pathString(ClassDoc cd, String name) { return pathString(cd.containingPackage(), name); } /** * Return path to the given file name in the given package. So if the name * passed is "Object.html" and the name of the package is "java.lang", and * if the relative path is "../.." then returned string will be * "../../java/lang/Object.html" * * @param pd Package in which the file name is assumed to be. * @param name File name, to which path string is. */ protected String pathString(PackageDoc pd, String name) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(relativepath); buf.append(DirectoryManager.getPathToPackage(pd, name)); return buf.toString(); } /** * Print link to the "pacakge-summary.html" file, depending upon the * package name. */ public void printPackageLink(PackageDoc pkg) { print(getPackageLink(pkg)); } public void printPackageLink(PackageDoc pkg, boolean bold) { print(getPackageLink(pkg, bold)); } public void printPackageLink(PackageDoc pkg, String linklabel) { print(getPackageLink(pkg, linklabel, false)); } /** * Get link for individual package file. */ public String getPackageLink(PackageDoc pkg) { return getPackageLink(pkg, pkg.name(), false); } public String getPackageLink(PackageDoc pkg, boolean bold) { return getPackageLink(pkg, pkg.name(), bold); } public String getPackageLink(PackageDoc pkg, String label) { return getPackageLink(pkg, label, false); } public String getPackageLink(PackageDoc pkg, String linklabel, boolean bold) { if (pkg.isIncluded()) { return getHyperLink(pathString(pkg, "package-summary.html"), "", linklabel, bold); } else { String crossPkgLink = getCrossPackageLink(pkg.name()); if (crossPkgLink != null) { return getHyperLink(crossPkgLink, "", linklabel, bold); } else { return linklabel; } } } public String italicsClassName(ClassDoc cd, boolean qual) { String name = (qual)? cd.qualifiedName(): cd.name(); return (cd.isInterface())? italicsText(name): name; } public void printClassLinkForSameDir(ClassDoc cd) { if (cd.isIncluded()) { if (isGeneratedDoc(cd)) { printHyperLink(cd.name() + ".html", "", italicsClassName(cd, false)); return; } } print(italicsClassName(cd, true)); } public void printClassLink(ClassDoc cd) { print(getClassLink(cd, false)); } public String getClassLink(ClassDoc cd) { return getClassLink(cd, false); } public void printClassLink(ClassDoc cd, String label) { print(getClassLink(cd, "", label, false)); } public String getClassLink(ClassDoc cd, String label) { return getClassLink(cd, "", label, false); } public void printClassLink(ClassDoc cd, String where, String label) { print(getClassLink(cd, where, label, false)); } public void printClassLink(ClassDoc cd, String label, boolean bold) { print(getClassLink(cd, "", label, bold)); } public void printClassLink(ClassDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color) { print(getClassLink(cd, where, label, bold, color)); } public String getClassLink(ClassDoc cd, String where, String label) { return getClassLink(cd, where, label, false); } public void printClassLink(ClassDoc cd, boolean bold) { print(getClassLink(cd, bold)); } public String getClassLink(ClassDoc cd, boolean bold) { return getClassLink(cd, "", "", bold); } public void printClassLink(ClassDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold) { print(getClassLink(cd, where, label, bold)); } public String getClassLink(ClassDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold, String color) { boolean nameUnspecified = label.length() == 0; if (nameUnspecified) { label = cd.name(); } displayLength += label.length(); if (cd.isIncluded()) { if (isGeneratedDoc(cd)) { String filename = pathToClass(cd); return getHyperLink(filename, where, label, bold, color); } } else { String crosslink = getCrossClassLink(cd); if (crosslink != null) { return getHyperLink(crosslink, where, label, bold, color); } } if (nameUnspecified) { displayLength -= label.length(); label = cd.qualifiedName(); displayLength += label.length(); } return label; } public String getClassLink(ClassDoc cd, String where, String label, boolean bold) { return getClassLink(cd, where, label, bold, ""); } public String getCrossClassLink(ClassDoc cd) { return getCrossLink(cd.containingPackage().name(), cd.name() + ".html"); } public boolean isCrossClassIncluded(ClassDoc cd) { if (cd.isIncluded()) { return isGeneratedDoc(cd); } return Extern.findPackage(cd.containingPackage().name()) != null; } public String getCrossPackageLink(String packagename) { return getCrossLink(packagename, "package-summary.html"); } public String getCrossLink(String packagename, String link) { Extern fnd = Extern.findPackage(packagename); if (fnd != null) { String externlink = fnd.path + link; if (fnd.relative) { // it's a relative path. return relativepath + externlink; } else { return externlink; } } return null; } public void printQualifiedClassLink(ClassDoc cd) { printClassLink(cd, "", cd.qualifiedName()); } public String getQualifiedClassLink(ClassDoc cd) { return getClassLink(cd, "", cd.qualifiedName()); } /** * Print Class link, with only class name as the link and prefixing * plain package name. */ public void printPreQualifiedClassLink(ClassDoc cd) { print(getPreQualifiedClassLink(cd, false)); } public String getPreQualifiedClassLink(ClassDoc cd) { return getPreQualifiedClassLink(cd, false); } public String getPreQualifiedClassLink(ClassDoc cd, boolean bold) { String classlink = getPkgName(cd); classlink += getClassLink(cd, "", cd.name(), bold); return classlink; } /** * Print Class link, with only class name as the bold link and prefixing * plain package name. */ public void printPreQualifiedBoldClassLink(ClassDoc cd) { print(getPreQualifiedClassLink(cd, true)); } public void printText(String key) { print(getText(key)); } public void printText(String key, String a1) { print(getText(key, a1)); } public void printText(String key, String a1, String a2) { print(getText(key, a1, a2)); } public void boldText(String key) { bold(getText(key)); } public void boldText(String key, String a1) { bold(getText(key, a1)); } public void boldText(String key, String a1, String a2) { bold(getText(key, a1, a2)); } public String getText(String key) { return Standard.configuration().standardmessage.getText(key); } public String getText(String key, String a1) { return Standard.configuration().standardmessage.getText(key, a1); } public String getText(String key, String a1, String a2) { return Standard.configuration().standardmessage.getText(key, a1, a2); } public String getText(String key, String a1, String a2, String a3) { return Standard.configuration().standardmessage.getText(key, a1, a2, a3); } public void notice(String key, String a1) { Standard.configuration().standardmessage.notice(key, a1); } public void notice(String key, String a1, String a2) { Standard.configuration().standardmessage.notice(key, a1, a2); } public void warning(String key, String a1) { Standard.configuration().standardmessage.warning(key, a1); } public void warning(String key, String a1, String a2) { Standard.configuration().standardmessage.warning(key, a1, a2); } public void error(String key, String a1) { Standard.configuration().standardmessage.notice(key, a1); } public void error(String key, String a1, String a2) { Standard.configuration().standardmessage.notice(key, a1, a2); } /** * Print link for any doc element. */ public void printDocLink(Doc doc, String label, boolean bold) { print(getDocLink(doc, label, bold)); } public String getDocLink(Doc doc, String label, boolean bold) { if (!doc.isIncluded() || !isGeneratedDoc(doc)) { return label; } if (doc instanceof PackageDoc) { return getPackageLink((PackageDoc)doc, label); } else if (doc instanceof ClassDoc) { return getClassLink((ClassDoc)doc, "", label, bold); } else if (doc instanceof ExecutableMemberDoc) { ExecutableMemberDoc emd = (ExecutableMemberDoc)doc; return getClassLink(emd.containingClass(), emd.name()+emd.signature(), label, bold); } else if (doc instanceof MemberDoc) { MemberDoc md = (MemberDoc)doc; return getClassLink(md.containingClass(), md.name(), label, bold); } else if (doc instanceof RootDoc) { return getHyperLink("overview-summary.html", label); } else { return label; } } /** * Return true if the doc element is getting documented, depending upon * -nodeprecated option and @deprecated tag used. Return true if * -nodeprecated is not used or @deprecated tag is not used. */ public boolean isGeneratedDoc(Doc doc) { return Standard.isGeneratedDoc(doc); } public void printDocLink(Doc doc, String label) { printDocLink(doc, label, false); } public String getDocLink(Doc doc, String label) { return getDocLink(doc, label, false); } /** * Print the see tags information given the doc comment. * * @param doc Doc doc * @see com.sun.javadoc.Doc */ public void printSeeTags(Doc doc) { SeeTag[] sees = doc.seeTags(); if (sees.length > 0) { dt(); boldText("doclet.See_Also"); dd(); for (int i = 0; i < sees.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { println(", "); } printSeeTag(sees[i]); } } if (doc.isClass() && ((ClassDoc)doc).isSerializable()) { if (sees.length > 0) { print(", "); } else { dt(); boldText("doclet.See_Also"); dd(); } printHyperLink(relativepath + "serialized-form.html", ((ClassDoc)(doc)).qualifiedName(), getText("doclet.Serialized_Form")); } } public void printSeeTag(SeeTag see) { PackageDoc refPackage = see.referencedPackage(); ClassDoc refClass = see.referencedClass(); String refClassName = see.referencedClassName(); String refPackName = refClassName; MemberDoc refMem = see.referencedMember(); String refMemName = see.referencedMemberName(); String label = see.label(); label = (label.length() > 0)? getCode() + label + getCodeEnd():""; String seetext = see.text(); String text = getCode() + seetext + getCodeEnd(); if (seetext.startsWith("<") || seetext.startsWith("\"")) { print(seetext); return; } if (refClass == null) { if (refPackage != null && refPackage.isIncluded()) { printPackageLink(refPackage); } else { // getCrossPackageLink for package if (refPackName != null && refPackName.length() > 0) { String crosslink = getCrossPackageLink(refPackName); if (crosslink != null) { printHyperLink(crosslink, "", refPackName, false); } else { warning("doclet.see.class_or_package_not_found", see.name(), seetext); print((label.length() == 0)? text: label); } } else { error("doclet.see.malformed_tag", see.name(), seetext); } } } else if (refMemName == null) { // class reference if (label.length() == 0) { label = getCode() + refClass.name() + getCodeEnd(); printClassLink(refClass, label); } else { printClassLink(refClass, (label.length() == 0)? text: label); } } else if (refMem == null) { // can't find the member reference print((label.length() == 0)? text: label); } else { // member reference ClassDoc containing = refMem.containingClass(); if (currentcd != containing) { refMemName = containing.name() + "." + refMemName; } if (refMem instanceof ExecutableMemberDoc) { if (refMemName.indexOf('(') < 0) { refMemName += ((ExecutableMemberDoc)refMem).signature(); } } text = getCode() + refMemName + getCodeEnd(); printDocLink(refMem, (label.length() == 0)? text: label); } } /** * Print tag information */ public void generateTagInfo(Doc doc) { Tag[] sinces = doc.tags("since"); Tag[] sees = doc.seeTags(); Tag[] authors; Tag[] versions; if (configuration.showauthor) { authors = doc.tags("author"); } else { authors = new Tag[0]; } if (configuration.showversion) { versions = doc.tags("version"); } else { versions = new Tag[0]; } if (sinces.length > 0 || sees.length > 0 || authors.length > 0 || versions.length > 0 || (doc.isClass() && ((ClassDoc)doc).isSerializable())) { dl(); printSinceTag(doc); if (versions.length > 0) { // There is going to be only one Version tag. dt(); boldText("doclet.Version"); dd(); printInlineComment(versions[0]); ddEnd(); } if (authors.length > 0) { dt(); boldText("doclet.Author"); dd(); for (int i = 0; i < authors.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { print(", "); } printInlineComment(authors[i]); } ddEnd(); } printSeeTags(doc); dlEnd(); } } public void printSinceTag(Doc doc) { Tag[] sinces = doc.tags("since"); if (sinces.length > 0) { // there is going to be only one since tag dt(); boldText("doclet.Since"); dd(); printInlineComment(sinces[0]); ddEnd(); } } public void printInlineComment(Tag tag) { printCommentTags(tag.inlineTags(), false, false); } public void printInlineDeprecatedComment(Tag tag) { printCommentTags(tag.inlineTags(), true, false); } public void printSummaryComment(Doc doc) { printCommentTags(doc.firstSentenceTags(), false, true); } public void printSummaryDeprecatedComment(Doc doc) { printCommentTags(doc.firstSentenceTags(), true, true); } public void printSummaryDeprecatedComment(Tag tag) { printCommentTags(tag.firstSentenceTags(), true, true); } public void printInlineComment(Doc doc) { printCommentTags(doc.inlineTags(), false, false); } public void printInlineDeprecatedComment(Doc doc) { printCommentTags(doc.inlineTags(), true, false); } private void printCommentTags(Tag[] tags, boolean depr, boolean first) { if (depr) { italic(); } for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { Tag tagelem = tags[i]; if (tagelem instanceof SeeTag) { printSeeTag((SeeTag)tagelem); } else { String text = tagelem.text(); text = replaceDocRootDir(text); if (first) { text = removeNonInlineTags(text); } print(text); } } if (depr) { italicEnd(); } if (tags.length == 0) { space(); } } public String removeNonInlineTags(String text) { if (text.indexOf('<') < 0) { return text; } String noninlinetags[] = { "
      ", "
    ", "
      ", "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", "", "
    ", "

    ", "", "
    ", "
    ", "", "", "", "", "", "", "

    ", "

    ", "
  • ", "
  • ", "
    ", "
    ", "", "", "
    ", "
    ", "

    ", "

    ", "

    ", "

    ", "

    ", "

    ", "

    ", "

    ", "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", "", "", "", "", "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", "
    " }; for (int i = 0; i < noninlinetags.length; i++) { text = replace(text, noninlinetags[i], ""); } return text; } public String replace(String text, String tobe, String by) { while (true) { int startindex = text.indexOf(tobe); if (startindex < 0) { return text; } int endindex = startindex + tobe.length(); StringBuffer replaced = new StringBuffer(); if (startindex > 0) { replaced.append(text.substring(0, startindex)); } replaced.append(by); if (text.length() > endindex) { replaced.append(text.substring(endindex)); } text = replaced.toString(); } } public void printStyleSheetProperties() { String filename = Standard.configuration().stylesheetfile; if (filename.length() > 0) { File stylefile = new File(filename); String parent = stylefile.getParent(); filename = (parent == null)? filename: filename.substring(parent.length() + 1); } else { filename = "stylesheet.css"; } filename = relativepath + filename; link("REL =\"stylesheet\" TYPE=\"text/css\" HREF=\"" + filename + "\" " + "TITLE=\"Style\""); } /** * According to the Java Language Specifications, all the outer classes * and static inner classes are core classes. */ public boolean isCoreClass(ClassDoc cd) { return cd.containingClass() == null || cd.isStatic(); } }