CMP Seminar Monday, September 16, 2002 4:10 p.m., Room 1400 BPS Building Refreshments served at 3:45 p.m. Cooking with Nanostructured Carbon ================================== David Tomanek Michigan State University http:/ The continuous reduction of device sizes, which is rapidly approaching the atomic level, calls for new approaches to design and test future building blocks of Nanotechnology. Massively parallel supercomputers will become the most powerful tool to interpret what happens on the nanometer scale, where quantum phenomena dominate, and help describe unexpected behavior such as a giant magnetoconductance[1]. At the nanometer scale, as I will illustrate, structures of carbon may become stronger than steel, yet turn into quantum conductors or even powerful magnets. In nanostructures that form during a hierarchical self-assembly process, even defects may play a different, often helpful role. An efficient self-healing process may convert less stable atomic assemblies into other, more perfect structures, thus answering an important concern in molecular electronics. Defects may even be used in nano-scale engineering to form complex systems such as carbon foam [2] or nanotube peapods [3,4]. In this presentation, I will show how some of these challenging problems can be most efficiently addressed in simulations on recently available massively parallel supercomputers. [1] Steven W.D. Bailey, David Tomanek, Young-Kyun Kwon, and Colin J. Lambert, Giant magneto-conductance in twisted carbon nanotubes, Europhys. Lett. 59, 75 (2002). [2] Koichiro Umemoto, Susumu Saito, Savas Berber, and David Tománek, Carbon foam: Spanning the phase space between graphite and diamond, Phys. Rev. B 64, 193409 (2001). [3] Young-Kyun Kwon, David Tománek, and Sumio Iijima, "Bucky-Shuttle" Memory Device: Synthetic Approach and Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1470 (1999). [4] Savas Berber, Young-Kyun Kwon, and David Tománek, Microscopic Formation Mechanism of Nanotube Peapods, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 185502 (2002).