CAMPUS THEORY SEMINAR Part of the SCIENCE AT THE EDGE Seminar Series Friday, April 13, 2001 11:30am in Room 224 Physics-Astronomy Building (Refreshments at 11:15am) Folding and Unfolding Linkages, Paper, and Polyhedra Erik Demaine Department of Computer Science University of Waterloo I will present several recent results about folding and unfolding problems in geometry. For example, consider a polygonal linkage made up of rigid bars connected in a cycle. Can all such linkages be moved to become convex, while preserving all the bar lengths and without crossing any of the bars? In the context of paper folding (origami), what shapes can be folded out of a square piece of paper? Both of these questions have recently been settled. Two other bodies of research investigate polyhedra: unfolding polyhedra into nonoverlapping "nets," and gluing polygons into polyhedra.