SCIENCE AT THE EDGE SEMINAR Friday, October 11 at 11:30am Room 1400 Biomedical and Physical Sciences Bldg. Refreshments at 11:15 a.m. Speaker: Wilma Olson Director, Center for Molecular Biophysics & Biophysical Chemistry Rutgers University, New Jersey Title: DNA Mechanics and Gene Regulation Abstract: The binding of proteins or drugs to their DNA targets elicits a unique conformational response in the double helix that is tied to the function and activity of the associated ligands, e.g., transcriptional regulation, DNA processing, DNA packaging. In addition to the direct recognition elements embedded in the linear sequence of bases (i.e., hydrogen bonding sites), these molecular agents seemingly sense and/or induce an "indirect" conformational response in the DNA base pairs that facilitates close intermolecular fitting. The observed responses of DNA to proteins and drugs in high resolution crystal complexes reveal a code of intrinsic structure and deformability built into the base sequence with implications for DNA control at both local and higher-order levels of organization. For example, the bending of DNA associated with repeated sequence motifs helps to organize the three-dimensional structure of longer fragments and to guide the response of closed loops formed by the binding of proteins at distant sites along the DNA to super helical stress.