PHY183 Grade Calculator

WARNING: This calculator is in no way official and only meant to help students get a rough estimate of their projected grade. No responsibility will be taken for any bugs in my code, as this is just your Professor trying to help out students who asked how they could calculate their projected grade (please do let me know if you find any bugs though!). Empty fields are removed from the calculation.

You can find your points out of the total available per lecture on D2L under grades, and from this calculate your average so far. Put that percentage i.e. 0 - 100 in this entry. (extra credit) = min((your score)/70, 1) * 5.

You can find your pre- and post-homework scores on MasteringPhysics.

You can find your Quiz scores on D2L under grades. Before the end of the course the "Final Calculate Grade" column only contains the average quiz score so far. Put that percentage i.e. 0 - 100 in this entry.

Your Final Exam score in %. By the time you know this score you will probably know your final grade too, but I have included it for completeness. Put that percentage i.e. 0 - 100 in this entry.

Total Score Breakdown

Pre-lecture homework: 5%
Weekly homework: 20%
Quizzes: 50% (your lowest quiz score will be dropped when calculating your quiz grade in the course)
Final exam: 25%
Participation in class discussions (clickers): 5% extra credit

Grade Boundaries

Percentage ............ Grade
p >= 92% ............... 4.0
92% > p >= 84% ... 3.5
84% > p >= 76% ... 3.0
76% > p >= 68% ... 2.5
68% > p >= 60% ... 2.0
60% > p >= 52% ... 1.5
52% > p >= 44% ... 1.0
p < 44% ................. 0

Your projected score in % is:

Your projected grade is: