HEPAP Subpanel
on the University Grants Program

"... ..the goal of the review is to focus on the whole of the U.S. high energy physics university program, and how the agencies and the universities working together can best achieve the unified goals and objectives of the field."

Robin Staffin and Joe Dehmer to Mel Shochet, June 12, 2005.

Charge from HEPAP
Subpanel Membership
Meeting schedule & Agendas
How to contact us:

take a survey
participate in a blog discussion

attend a town meeting

How we may contact you:

PI survey
anticipate a call


"DOE/NSF High Energy Physics Advisory Panel University Grants Program Subpanel Report" July 22, 2007 (3.2MB pdf)

(reference: http://www.science.doe.gov/hep/ugpsreportfinalJuly22,2007.pdf)

From the subpanel: High Energy Physics is at a unique point in its history: We're only a year from the LHC while continuing to extend our scientific reach into new directions with neutrinos and non-accelerator-based studies–that's exciting. At the same time, we soon leave behind our large national programs: the Tevatron, PEP-II, and CLEO – and that's potentially unsettling.

As a mature discipline, we enjoy a stable, respected presence on our campuses as well as with DOE and NSF. Supporting and promoting our field relies on structures and relationships which were built during a previous era in HEP, one very different from what we face today. Do these traditional relationships with our universities and our funding agencies scale smoothly to the next generation?

We have been asked by HEPAP to review the entire university HEP program with recommendations due by the HEPAP meeting in late spring of 2007. This is a singular opportunity to endorse what works, to constructively criticize what does not, and to make specific recommendations about how we best evolve our field into a new era.

We cannot pretend to do this ourselves, and so we are making an broad appeal to our community for input. Please take a moment to read the subpanel charge and to think about your future: Imagine the U.S. HEP university program over the next generation and how you think it might evolve–and how you think it should evolve. Is everything currently in working order? Are you confident of HEP's future on your campus? Are changes required? How do you expect to prepare for new projects like ILC, neutrino oscillation experiments, LHC upgrades, astrophysics and/or cosmology detectors? We need to hear from you.



Final presentation
by Homer Neal to HEPAP on 13 July 2007.

Subpanel meeting: 2/8, 9. MIT including aTown Hall Meeting Thursday, February 8, 4:00-6:00PM; CTP Seminar Room
4107 (4th floor)
5 Cambridge Center.

Town Hall Meeting: 1/25. CERN 4PM-6PM in 40-S2-A01 and VRVS room WOOD.

qualitative survey available for the community. 1/8/07

quantitative survey to NSF and DOE PI's sent 1/2/07

public discussion: 1/8,9, SLAC Town Hall meeting

public discussion: 11/30-12/1, Fermilab Town Hall meeting

First public discussion: 11/2/06, DPF Town Meeting at the DPF2006+JPS2006 meeting