Spring 2010 Seminar covering :
Complex materials and
applications to energy and medical technologies
Thursdays 12-1pm, BPS 1400. Pizza and other goodies available 11:45am
Special event date and time: January 20th - 9:30am
Shijie Wu/Ryan Smith (Agilent Technologies)
"Scanning Probe Microscopy in Controlled Environments:
A discussion of experimental possibilities in liquid, gas, and temperature-controlled environments"
January 21st:
Piotr Piecuch (Chemistry, MSU)
"Extending Ab Initio Electronic Structure Theory to Complex Molecular Problems: Local
Coupled-Cluster Methodology and Its Multi-Level Generalizations"
January 28th: No Seminar
February 4th: Jason Nicholas (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, MSU)
"Interface Engineered Oxide Nano-Composites for Next-Generation Electrochemical Devices"
February 11th:
February 18th Andrey Kalinichev (Chemistry, MSU)
"Computational molecular modeling of the structure and dynamics of nano-confined water
and ions in layered organo-inorganic materials"
February 25th Andrew Mason (Electrical and Computer Engineering, MSU)
"On-chip bio-electrochemical interfaces: challenges and applications for sensing and
biological research"
March 4th Rob Cain/Keith Jones (Asylum Technologies)
"Asylum MFP-3D atomic force microscopy
for characterization of soft and hard surfaces, with temperature
and environmental contol. "
March 11th
No seminar - Spring Break
March 18th
No Seminar - March APS
March 25th
Ruby Ghosh (Physics, MSU)
"Nano-scale optical indicators and materials: Real time oxygen sensing for chemical and biological applications"
April 1st Guowei Wei (Mathematics, MSU)
``Classical and quantum models for nano-bio systems''
April 8th
April 15th:
Wei Lai (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, MSU) "Introduction
to Impedance Spectroscopy of Electrochemical Devices".
April 22nd: Deepak K Pandey (Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University)
"Study of Novel Materials for Nanoelectronics: A Scanning
Probe Microscope Study of Graphene and Graphite Oxide."
April 29th: Jiebing Sun (Physics, University of New Hampshire and IBM Yorktown Heights)
"Structural and electronic properties of SiC(0001), graphene/Ni(111), and suspended graphene"
May 6th: Leonid V. Zhigilei
(Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
University of Virginia)
"Molecular dynamics simulations of laser-induced structural
transformations and ablation of molecular materials and metals."
June 3rd: John Verboncoeur
(Nuclear Engineeing, UC Berkeley)
"Particle-in-cell modeling of plasmas and applications to devices "