
Copy tutorial data

The data files used in this short tutorial can be found in the tutorial subdirectory under the PDFgetX2 installation directory (e.g. C: \Program Files \PDFgetX2 in Windows). You need to copy three files, ingaas_tutorial.spec,, and ingaas_tutorial.bkg to a local directory of your choice. The tutorial directory also contains the data files we plan to obtain in this chapter for your reference only. For all supported data file formats, please refer to Appendix B.

Description of the tutorial experiment

The tutorial sample, semiconductor alloy In0.33Ga0.67As, was measured at 10 K with flat-plate transmission geometry at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS). The x-ray energy used was 60.0 keV ( $ \lambda$ = 0.2067 Å) selected with a Si(111) double-bounce monochromator. The scattering from the empty flat plate container was also measured, and found to be rather low. All data were collected using program SPECTM, a UNIX-based software package for instrument control and data acquisition.

Xiangyun Qiu 2004-04-23