List of Figures

  1. The welcome interface when starting PDFgetX2
  2. Click the Preprocess SPEC Format Data button to switch to the GUI in Fig. 2.3
  3. The main preprocess SPEC format data GUI
  4. The GUI portion displaying scans information in the SPEC data.
  5. The GUI section to set up SPEC columns
  6. The GUI to set up dead time corrections for monitor (left) and detector columns (right)
  7. The GUI section to plot/save data and process data.
  8. Visualization of the raw SPEC data (left) and the corrected SPEC data (right)
  9. Visualization of the merged data obtained from preprocess SPEC format data
  10. Click the Get X-ray PDF button to switch to the GUI in Fig. 2.11
  11. The main Get X-ray PDF GUI
  12. Read in the sample and sample background files.
  13. The experiment configuration
  14. The GUI to input sample chemical information
  15. The GUI to set up S(Q) corrections
  16. the GUI for G(r) Fourier transform settings.
  17. From bottom, the User Message display, the action buttons, the data visualization selections
  18. The F(Q) (a) and the G(r) (b) for your reference
  19. The windows self-installer GUI
  20. The welcome interface when starting PDFgetX2

Xiangyun Qiu 2004-04-23