PHY 231 - Introductory Physics I

Web-based discussion forum: Post & Read Instructions

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This page contains instructions on how to post and read messages in the discussion forum. We assume that you have successfully registered before and that you remember your password.

Logging into the discussion forum

Point your browser to or follow the link Web-based Discussion Forum Post & Read from the PHY231 class page. You will see the message in the left column. Follow the 4 steps in the right column to log in.

Access Control Status

Error: You do not have permission to perform this function as an anonymous user.
Please log in now with your registered user name.

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  1. Click on the log in now link.
  2. Click with your mouse into the Name field and type you username.
  3. Click with your mouse on the Password field and type your password.
  4. Click on OK.

Posting a topic

Each topic corresponds to one specific homework problem in a specific assignment. To add a topic click on the Add Topic button. Again, please follow the steps in the column on the right.

Add Topic to PHY231 - Introductory Physics I

1/3: What does "E" mean?

What does the "E" in numbers mean, for example in 5.1E2?

Enter     Preview     Reset     Cancel

  1. Click into the title field
  2. As a title, enter the set number of your assignment, a forward slash ("/") and the problem number followed by a colon (":") and any text that describes your question, for example 1/3: What does the "E" mean?
  3. Click into the text field and enter your question, for example What does the "E" in numbers mean, for example in 5.1E2?
  4. Click on Enter to post the question, click on Reset to start over

Title convention

Please use the following title convention. This will make searches for a specific problem a lot easier for you:

Message relating to Format Example
Homework Set number/Problem number: Text 1/3: What does the "E" mean?
Class Class: Class: Why is there no carpet in the lecture hall?
Other Other: Other: Soccer tonight?

Listing all topics (homework problems)

You can either read a specific message for a particular topic (homework problem) or list all topics (all home work problems). When you are reading a message and would like to see all topics (home work problems), click on the List Topics button.

Reading messages on a specific topic (homework problem)

Click on the topic you want to read about in the title column. If replies to this message exist you can look at them in Table View or Dialog View. Clicking on the link will toggle between the two display modes. Dialog view has the advantage that you can quickly skim all the replies without having to click on each one.

Replying to a message

Once you are reading a message you can reply by clicking on the Add Reply button . In this case the title field will be filled in already and all you need to do is add text and hit Enter to post your reply.

Navigating through topics

The Up Level , Previous Topic, and Next Topic buttons help you navigate through messages. You can always get to the top level by clicking on the List Topics button .

Searching for topics (homework problems)

Use the Search button to search for particular topics. In particular, if you are interested in a particular homework set (e.g. 1) and problem (e.g. 3) you can do a Title search for "1/3".

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PHY 231

This document was last updated on 23 August 1997 by Thomas Glasmacher.