ISP 205, Section 3, Spring 1997 Hufnagel & Stein
A. Our Galaxy, The Milky Way
B. Galaxies, Normal & Peculiar
C. Observations of the Universe
D. Evolution of the Universe
E. Formation of the Universe
F. Fate of the Universe
- What do other nearby galaxies look like?
- Mostly they come in 3 types:
- Irregulars - Magellanic Clouds [BE 3052,3055]
- Spirals - Andromeda [Be 2723, 2727]
- Ellipticals - companions to Andromeda
- Note: color of stars, dust, globular clusters
- Which type is the Milky Way?
- 1. Recognition of the Nature of the Milky Way
- a. Band of Light across the sky - Thin Disk of Stars [BE 2659]
- b. Star distribution - sun near center
"Kapteyn Universe" of 1922 [Fig 3-16]
- c. Globular Cluster distribution
- BE 1963,1965,1966,1967,1968]
- spherical distribution, diameter 105 LY, centered off to one side
- Sun =3x104 LY from center of Galaxy
- d. Interstellar dust - obscures distant stars
- e. Island Universe vs. One of Many Galaxies
- 2. Components of the Milky Way
- a. Disk
- Stars of 0-10 billion-years old, includes Open (galactic) clusters.
[Visible Light BE 2659]
- Clouds of dust. (IR shows dust BE 2669)
- Clouds of gas. [Radio: neutral hydrogen BE 2661, cold H2 BE 2664]
- Orbits nearly circular, lie in common plane.[BE 2686]
- (Similar to planets in solar system.)
- Spiral Arms
- Overhead view [BE 2650-2652], "Exploded" Structure [Fig 21-16]
- Apparent in
- massive, young, blue, main sequence stars
(not intermediate age stars like the Sun),
- Massive stars have such short lives,
don't have time to move from their birth place.
- H gas distribution - radio observations
- Birthplace of Stars
- Density Wave Theory
- spiral arms are compression waves that move through galaxy gathering stars and clouds.
- "Disk in a Dishpan" demo showing disk stars move like a fluid
- Rotation curve shows the speed of gas depends on place in disk. [Fig. 20-6]
- b. Spherical Component
- i. Halo
- Old (10-18 Billion years) Stars, mostly red giants and red MS stars.
- Globular Clusters. (Little gas or dust.) [Andromeda: BE 2726]
- Orbits elongated ellipses, randomly oriented.
(Similar to comets in solar system.)
- ii. Nuclear Bulge (flattened spheroid)
- Bulge at center of Galaxy [in direction of Sagittarius: BE 2686].
- Old and young stars.
- Hot Gas and Dust.
- iii. Center of Galaxy
- High velocity clouds of hot gas
- 5x105 MSun within 10 AU. Black hole?
- [BE 2585,2589,2602]
- c. Companion Galaxies
Magellanic Clouds, dwarf spheroidals
- Diagram of Milky Way

- 4. Mass of the Milky Way
- Kepler's Law M=D3 / P2
- Rotation curve
- M(R)=V2R/G
- 5. Formation Models
- Must explain the structure and ages of components
- 1. Classification by Shape (Morphology)
- a. Spirals (~15%) Spiral #8 from HST DEEP
- i. Disk
- Young stars, gas and dust
- Rotates
- ii. Spherical component - Halo and Nucleus
- Old stars, no gas or dust
- S0 galaxies - unusual variety of spiral
- i. Disk - Old stars, no gas or dust
- ii. Spherical component - Nucleus and Halo
- b. Ellipticals (~70%)Elliptical #0 from HST DEEP
- Spherical component - Nucleus and Halo
- Old stars, no gas or dust
- No disk. Some rotate.
- c. Irregular galaxies - like Milky Way's Magellanic Clouds
- d. Unusual Galaxies
- look like one of the 3 types above, but disturbed
- Chain or Merging #39 from HST DEEP
- 2. Classification by Spectra
- a. Normal galaxies (~95%)
- stellar spectrum - absorption lines in continuous spectrum
- b. Active galaxies (~5%)
- non-thermal emission
- i. Radio Galaxies
- Excess radio emission.
- Synchotron radiation from very fast electrons
moving through a magnetic field
- Double lobed large emission regions.
Often connected to galaxy by jets.
- ii. Quasars
- Broad emission lines. Large redshift -> large distance.
None close.
- Bright yet far away -> very luminous. Source of energy?
- Brightness varies in time of hours -> small size
(= solar system)
Quasars are in galaxies
- c. Center of Milky Way
- Radio emission
- Broad emission lines -> high speed (orbital or thermal) ->
high mass (= 10^6 Msun in size of solar system)
- d. Model
- Need large amount of energy
- Only source is Gravitational Potential Energy of
supermassive Black Hole
- Gas falls in, gets very hot, emits energetic photons,
Rotates rapidly, collimates jets
- 3. Large Scale Distribution
- Clusters of galaxies.
- Spirals found mostly in field, small groups, and
outer regions of clusters.
- Ellipticals and S0 dominate in centers of rich clusters.
- Galaxies distributed as on surfaces of intersecting bubbles.
- Most galaxies on arcs where bubble surfaces intersect,
- Next most galaxies on bubble surfaces (sheets),
- Fewest galaxies in interior of bubbles (voids).
Virgo Cluster
Coma Cluster
Field is a sample of galaxies back to 1 billion years after
the big bang from HST. Section of sky about as big as the period
after this sentence.
Interactive HST DEEP Field
Same galaxies back to 1 billion years after the big bang from HST
with information on individual galaxies available by clicking
on them.
- 4. Formation
- Clues:
- different orbits of old and young stars
- current interactions with satellite galaxies
- 1. Theory 1: Top Down [Fig. 20-29]
- Largest mass clouds collapse first -> clusters of galaxies.
- Fragment into galaxies.
- Stars formed during contraction have elongated, spherically
distributed orbits.
- As gas contracts, rotates, forms disk. Stars formed from
the disk have disk-shaped orbits.
- 2. Theory 2: Bottom up
- Globular cluster mass clouds collapse first.
- Gravitationally cluster into larger and larger hierarchies
to form galaxies and clusters of galaxies.
- Tests
- Observations indicate may need both theories
- New observations still coming in....
- e.g., is the fate of the Milky Way to merge with Andromeda?
>Simulation of Merger
- 1. Fair sample
- Universe is uniform and isotropic
- When look out in space are looking back in time, takes time
for light to travel from far away to us
- 2. Expansion of Universe
- All but nearest galaxies are red shifted - moving away from us
(Doppler shift)
- Universe is Expanding
- Hubble Law
- Velocity = Hubble constant x Distance
- Determining the Hubble constant
- measuring velocities: Doppler shift
- measuring distances:
- parallax
- cluster main sequences
- Cepheid variables
Cepheid Variables in M100 from HST
- globular clusters
- HII regions
- brightest galaxies in clusters
- Age of Universe
- V = D/t = H D or D = Vt = V/H
- H = 1/t
- Farther away, moving away faster, took same time
to get there
- Implication: everything started from same place at
same time
- t(age) = 1/H (must be careful of units)
- Original Hubble distances 10 x too small.
Found age ~ 2 billion years. Less than age of
oldest rocks on Earth.
- Current distance scale 10 x larger,
age 15-20 billion years.
- No center to universe
- Demo: blowing up balloon, stretching rubber band
- Scale of the Universe
- if Milky Way is size of earth, then distance to horizon is 17 AU
(size of Uranus orbit)
- 3. Night sky is dark
- Olber's paradox
- If look out, line of sight should eventually hit a star
- Like looking through forest - eventually blocked by a tree
- Sky should be as bright as surface of star. Why isn't it?
- Universe has only existed for finite time
- Can't see far enough away to be blocked by star
- Universe is expanding
- Light from distant stars is red shifted to very low
- 1. Steady State Model
- Problem: Earth can't be older than universe.
- expansion age originally determined by Hubble
was 2 billion years,
- age of oldest rocks on earth is 3.5 billion years.
- Solution: Universe has existed forever. Average properties
of the universe do not change.
- Galaxies move apart, new hydrogen atoms form to fill space,
condense into new galaxies.
- Developed theory of heavy element formation in stars.
- Disproved, but was productive
- Prediction: universe does not change
- Test: Quasars seen only long ago (far away).
- 2. Big Bang Model
- Expansion -> cooling.
- In the past, matter and radiation were hotter and denser.
- Scenario
- Era of Equilibrium
- Very hot. All nuclear reactions very fast.
- Photons have enormous energy, destroy nuclei.
Too hot for nuclei.
- Era of Primordial Nucleosynthesis, 3 min < t < 30 min:
- 109 > T > 107 K.
- Cool enough for nuclei (photons have too little
energy to destroy nuclei),
- Fuse protons and neutrons -> deuterium and helium.
- Scale of universe = 10-9 to 10-7 present
- Era of Radiation, 30 min < t < million years:
- Too cold for fusion, too hot for atoms.
- Free electrons, protons, helium nuclei and photons.
- Universe opaque.
- Recombination, Decoupling, t = million years:
- T = 3000 K
- Cool enough for atoms. Electrons and nuclei combine.
- Universe becomes transparent.
- Matter and radiation no longer in thermal
equilibrium with each other
- Scale of universe = 10-3 present
- Era of galaxies, t > million years:
- Clouds of hydrogen and helium gas contract
to form galaxies.
- Predictions:
- photons from when universe was hot
- helium and deuterium from primordial nucleosynthesis
- 3. Tests: relics of the big bang
- (i) 3 K Background Radiation - photons reaching us from when universe became transparent
- a. Existence of 3 K background radiation means universe
was once hot.
- b. Present temperature allows us to calculate temperature
of early universe.
- c. Uniformity of background radiation shows universe was
very uniform.
Cobe Results
- d. Determine our motion through universe
- (ii) Helium and Deuterium
- 1. Problems with the Big Bang
- a. Why Hot?
- b. Why so uniform - 3 K radiation?
- c. Why nearly flat?
- d. Origin of irregularities that become stars and galaxies?
- 2. Solution -- Inflation
- Very early universe (Equilibrium Era) expanded enormously
- smooths out fluctuations, flattens space-time.
- 3. Singularity?
- Infinite density, singularity, at beginning of universe
implies gravity so strong quantum effects important
- Classically: either existed forever, or else began in singularity
- Quantum mechanics: possible for space-time to be finite,
but have no boundary, no singularity
- Example: Vertex of cone (origin of time) vs. N pole on sphere
(not a special location)
- Time just like spatial coordinates, if beginning of time
rounded like sphere then not a special point
- Implication: universe self-contained, Not created or destroyed.
Just is.
- 1. Expansion velocity vs. Escape velocity
- Is universe expanding fast enough to continue forever, or will
gravitational attraction of all matter for each other slow it
down enough to bring expansion to halt and start universe
- How determine Fate of universe?
- Measure Expansion Velocity
- Determine Hubble Constant, H
Recent Hubble Space Telescope Results
- Measure Escape Velocity (strength of gravity)
- a. measuring mass density
- galaxies -> expansion velocity =
10 x escape velocity
- clusters of galaxies -> expansion velocity
= 3 x escape velocity
- b. measuring the deceleration due to gravity
number density of galaxies as a function of
expansion velocity -> expansion velocity = escape velocity
- c. deuterium abundance depends on density of matter
-> expansion velocity = 3 x escape velocity
- 2. Geometry of the Universe
- a. If expansion velocity > escape velocity
- Universe will expand forever
- Universe is infinite
- Universe has saddle like geometry
- b. If expansion velocity = escape velocity
- Universe will expand forever
- Universe is infinite
- Universe has flat geometry
- c. If expansion velocity < escape velocity
- Universe will stop expanding, and contract
- Universe is finite, but has no boundary
- Universe has sphere like geometry
- 3. A Detailed Prediction of Fate of the Universe under 2.(a) or 2.(b) Geometry
- a. 100-4 billion years: Radiation-Dominated Era
- assumes the Big Bang Formation Scenario as above
- Ends at Recombination
- b. 106-14 billion years: Stelliferous Era
- Galaxies (groups of stars) are the building blocks of the Universe
- Most star formation occurs when galaxies collide, which is
- We are now at 1010.2
- Ends when no new stars form
- c. 1015-37 billion years: Degenerate Era
- all that's left is remnants
from stars are black holes, white dwarfs, neutron stars,
planets and failed stars
from galaxies with super-massive black holes, only the black hole
- Ends when the protons decay and destroy everyything with protons
- d. 1038-100 billion years: Black Hole Era
- only black holes, as they have no protons
- Ends when the black holes evaporate via Hawking radiation
- e. 10100+ billion years: Dark Era
- photons (low-energy), electrons, postitrons, neutrinos
- never ends
- [American Scientist, May-June 1997, pp 223-225]
- [Laughlin et al., Reviews of Modern Physics, April 1997]
"To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions:
both dispense with the necessity of reflection."
- Henri Poincare' (1854-1912)
Links to other Galaxy and Cosmology resources
mpeg movies of interacting galaxies
Hubble Space Telescope DEEP Field: Interactive Mode
Collision of Milky Way and Andromeda
Galaxies from Univ. Alabama
Background Radiation
This page will be updated continually throughout the course.
Updated: 1997.04.21 (Monday) 12:24:26 EDT
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Visions of the Universe
Beth Hufnagel's
home page, email:
Bob Stein's
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