x-rays (< 20 nm) (high energy, short wavelength) ultraviolet (20 nm - 0.4 microm) blue \ green | visible yellow } lambda = 0.4-0.7 micrometers orange | red / infrared (1 microm - 1 mm) microwave (1 mm - 1 cm) radio (> 1 cm) (low energy, long wavelength) [Examples: AST disk: radio 470, MW 471, visible 473, UV 474, XR 475]
Delta(x) Delta(mv) = h Uncertainty Principle lambda = h/mv Particle Wavelength
1. Following the exhaustion of hydrogen in their cores, all stars become
(a) white dwarfs.
(b) red giants.
(c) supernovas.
(d) neutron stars.
(e) black holes.
2. The event horizon of a black hole is the surface where
(a) no events occur.
(b) if you are inside you can't escape.
(c) the force of gravity becomes infinite.
(d) the density becomes infinite.
(e) everything is sucked in.