ISP 205, Section 3, Spring 2004, Prof. Stein
Date Topic Reading Assignment
Monday, April 12 Milky Way - our galaxy Chapter 19
Discovery section 19.1
Morphology section 19.1,3
Dynamics section 19.4
Star-Gas-Star cycle section 19.2
Cosmos Assignment 1 due
Wednesday, April 15 Expansion of the Universe Chapter 20
Galaxies - what are they section 20.1
Measuring cosmic distances section 20.3
Hubble's Law: V=HD section 20.3
Age of the Universe section 20.4
Cosmos Assignment 2 due
Monday, April 19 Galaxy Evolution and Dark Matter Chapters 21,22
Galaxy Formation sections 21.2-3,22.5
Evidence for Dark Matter sections 22.1-4
Fate of the Universe, Dark Energy section 22.6
Cosmos Assignment 3 due
Wednesday, April 21 Big Bang Chapter 23
History of the Universe sections 23.1-2
Primordial nucleosynthesis sections 23.2-3
Tests: section 23.3
Relic Radiation - Cosmic Microwave Background
Relic Elements - H, D and He
Problems with Big Bang Model section 23.4
Inflation section 23.4
Cosmos Assignment 4 due
Monday, April 26 Quiz 3: (Warm-up for Exam 3) Chapters 16-23
Review Chapters 17-23
Cosmos Assignment 5 due
Wednesday, April 28 Mid Term Exam #3 Chapters 16-23
Thursday, May 6 Final Exam
Chapters 1-6, 8-11, 15-23, S3
- Sketch the Milky Way galaxy, including the halo, disk and nucleus.
Label the location of the Sun, gas, dust, globular clusters, open
clusters, young and old stars.
- Describe the Star-Gas-Star cycle and its role in the evolution of
the Milky Way
- Describe and explain the differences between halo and disk stars
- Describe the nature of spiral arms in terms of stars and the
inter-stellar medium. Explain its importance in terms of star
- Describe how masses of galaxies are determined and the role of the
rotation curve
- Explain the observations leading to the concepts of the expansion
of the universe, the Hubble Constant, and the Big Bang Model.
- Explain how the distances to other galaxies are determined.
- Describe Hubble's Law and its implications for the expansion and
age of the universe
- Describe the large-scale structure of the Universe.
- Explain how galaxies and clusters of galaxies evolve.
- Describe the evidence for Dark Matter
- Describe the role of dark matter in the formation and evolution
of galaxies
- Explain what determines the fate of the universe
- Describe the sequence of events in the Big Bang Model of the
evolution of the Universe, and the possible fates of the Universe.
- Describe the cosmic microwave background radiation and primordial
nucleosynthesis tests of the Big Bang Model.
- Describe the problems of the Big Bang model and how inflation
solves them.
2004.04.08 (Thursday) 10:57:32 EDT
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