ISP 205, Section 3, Visions of the Universe, Spring 04
Class ID is: cm596550
Instructor: | Robert Stein |
Office: | 3266 Biomedical Physical Sciences |
E-Mail: | |
Phone: | 355 9200 X2413 |
Office Hours: | Monday & Wednesday, 5:30 - 6:30 PM
or by appointment (send email to arrange) |
Teaching Assistant: | Turgay Birand |
Class Location: | BPS 1410 |
Class Time: | Monday & Wednesday, 7:10 - 8:30 PM |
Final Exam, Thursday, May 6, 3-5 pm, room Natural Science 326
Problems with Angel or Astronomy Place -- try clearing cookies, cache
and history.
Required Text
"The Cosmic Perspective", 3rd edition, Bennett, Donahue, Schneider & Voit,
Addison-Wesley 2003
You are also required to Register at Astronomy Place (using your Addison-Wesley key):
      The class ID on Astronomy Place is cm596550
      (Access key is bundled with all new textbooks, but must
be purchased separately on line at astronomy place if you buy a used book.
Cost $14.40)
Course Goals
ISP 205 is an astronomy course designed for non-science majors.
Its goals are to open your eyes to the Universe beyond your immediate
surroundings, to exhibit how scientists work, and to develop your
scientific literacy. The universe is comprehensible through science
that can be understood by anyone. You will learn the key concepts of
astronomy needed to explain how and why the universe acts as it does.
While learning about the universe, its origins, its evolution, its
contents and its fate, you will also develop scientific reasoning skills.
Science is Not a body of Facts, but rather a process by which we
try to understand the world around us. Scientific reasoning has
been used to both benefit, and sometimes harm, us all. Just look
at the headlines in areas such as technology invovations, global
warming, anti-missile defense, the Mars rover or new medical
treatments. Humans observe and experiment and attempt to make
logical connections. You will learn about how some scientists
developed these connections. You will get practice with scientific
reasoning. Our goal is for you to be able to evaluate scientific
claims and to make judgments about those making the claims.
To get the most out of this course you should ask questions:
- during class.
- before class (the TA and I will be in the hall outside the
classroom before class) or after class.
- during office hours.
- of the Teaching Assistant: T.J. Birand
- by email to
- Introduction
- Motions
- Solar System Models
- Newton
- Light1
- Light2
- Planet Tour
- Solar System Formation
- Geology
- Atmospheres
- Sun1
- Sun2
- Stellar Properties
- Stellar Properties 2
- Stellar Evolution 1
- Stellar Evolution 2
- Stellar Evolution 3
- Milky Way
- Hubble's Law
- Galaxies
- Big Bang
- Review III
(from previous semesters)
- I. The Sky
Assignment 1 Answers
Assignment 2 "Phases of the Moon" tutorial on
Astronomy Place
Homework 1, (due Wednesday, Jan 21)
- Activity: Sun, Earth, & Moon,
- Activity: Stars & Moon
(planetarium) Answers
- Activity: Mars Retrograde Motion
(Planetarium) Answer.
Assignment 3 (due Monday, Jan 26) Answers
Homework 2, (due Wednesday, Jan 28) Answers
- Bright Stars List
Assignment 4 (due Wednesday, Jan 28) Answers
Assignment 5 (due Monday, Feb. 2) Answers
- Assignment 6 (due Wednesday, Feb. 4) is
tutorial "Orbits & Kepler's Laws"
- Moon Project (due Wednesday, Feb.
Homework 3 (due Wednesday, Feb. 4) Answers
Seeing Activity
Assignment 7 (due Monday, Feb. 9) Answers
- Survey of topics you want covered in Monday's review is due
Monday, Feb. 2 at 3:00 pm. It is on
Angel under Lessons
Quiz 1 Answers
- Assignment 8 (due Monday, Feb. 16) is on
Angel under Lessons
- II. The Planets
- III. The Stars
- Star Assignment 1 (due Wednesday, March 3)
- Star Assignment 2 (due Wednesday, March 15)
- Star Assignment 3 (due Wednesday, March 17)
Part A:
tutorial "Measuring Cosmic Distances, Lesson 2: Stellar Parallax"
Part B:
- Star Assignment 4 (due Monday, March 22)
Quiz 2 Answers
- Star Assignment 5 (due Monday, March 29)
tutorial "Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram"
- Star Assignment 6 (due Wednesday, March 31) Angel Quiz
- Star Assignment 7 (due Monday, April 5)
Part A: AstronomyPlace,
tutorial "Stellar Evolution", lessons 1 & 2 only
Part B: Angel Quiz.
Evolution Flow Chart
Evolution Central Temperature & Density
- Star Assignment 8 (due Wednesday, April 7)
1. AstronomyPlace,
tutorial "Stellar Evolution", complete + exercises
2. AstronomyPlace,
tutorial "Black Holes", lessons + exercises
- Star Assignment 9 (due Monday, April 12)
Angel Quiz.
- IV. The Universe
You are responsible for knowing the material presented in class and
the relevant material in the text. Grades will be based on performance
on a final exam, three midterm exams, in-class activities, and
homework (including ANGEL pre-class assignments and Astronomy Place
tutorials). Exams will test both memorization and the ability to
deduce results by applying basic physical principles to astronomical
phenomena. The exams will consist of a mixture of multiple choice,
short answer and essay length questions. The lowest exam score (of
the three mid-term and final exams) will be dropped. If you are
satisfied with your grade at the end of classes you do not need to
take the final exam, which will be comprehensive. The three highest
exams each count for 25% of the grade, and the quizzes, in-class
activities and homework together count for 25% of the grade. No
opportunities for individual extra credit will be offered.
Exams: Best three of 3 mid-terms + Final | 75%
Quizzes | 25% |
Homework |
Astronomy Place Tutorials |
ANGEL Assignments (Quizzes) |
In-Class Activities |
Grading Scale
  AVERAGE (%)   |
  GRADE   |
85-100 | 4.0 |
75-84 | 3.5 |
70-74 | 3.0 |
65-69 | 2.5 |
60-64 | 2.0 |
55-59 | 1.5 |
50-54 | 1.0 |
< 50 | 0.0 |
EASY POINTS: In-class activities, Astronomy Place tutorials, pre-class ANGEL
questions. These are points you get for being in class and doing the
assignments. The Astronomy Place tutorials can be repeated until you
get them correct and then you can submit your answers.
Exam Schedule:
First Midterm Exam Wednesday, February 11, in class
Second Midterm Exam Wednesday, March 24, in class
Third Midterm Exam Wednesday, April 28, in class
FINAL EXAM Thursday, May 6, 3-5 pm, Room to be announced
Astronomy Place
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Mars Rover Home Page
Hubble Space Telescope
Astronomy Links from SEDS at University of Arizona
The Nine Planets, A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System
Scientific Arithmetic
Academic Integrity
The MSU academic integrity policy for students is
at If a student cheats
on an exam, he or she will get an automatic zero on the test and
may be given a failing grade for the course. You are encouraged
to collaborate on pre-class questions, homework and in-class
activities. Science is a cooperative activity. Collaboration does
NOT include copying. If you merely copy someone else's work, you
will do very poorly on the exams, which generate most of your
grade. You are required to specify who you work with in the
appropriate space.
Exam policy: DO NOT bring any cell-phones or pagers to an exam. DO
bring a photo-ID. You may be required to show it when turning in your
This page will be continually updated as the course progresses.
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