ISP 205, Section 3, Spring 2004, Prof. Stein
Date Topic Reading Assignment
Wednesday, March 3 The Sun (a typical star) Chapter 15
What do you already know about the Sun?
A tour of the Sun sections 15.2,15.4,15.5
Stellar Structure: The Sun
Pressure and Gravity sections 15.1,11.1,5.3
Energy Source (nuclear fusion) sections 15.3,S4.2,S4.3
Star Assignment 1 due
Monday, March 15 Stellar Structure (continued)
Energy Loss (radiation & convection)section 10.2,11.3,15.2,15.4
Determined by two balance conditions:
pressure and gravity section 15.1
energy generation and loss section 15.3
oscillations (helioseismology),section 15.3
neutrino experiments section 15.3
Star Assignment 2 due
Wednesday, March 17 Observing Stars Chapter 16
Luminosity = rate of energy loss
Brightness section 16.2
farther = fainter
Distances by parallax section 16.2
Number - luminosity relation
Surface temperature of stars section 16.3
Color -> temperature
Spectra -> temperature, composition & density
mass of stars section 16.4
binary stars, Doppler shift section 6.5
mass/luminosity relation
Planet project 6 due
Star Assignment 3 due
Monday, March 22 Quiz 2: (Warm-up for Exam 2) Chapters 9-11,15,16
Review Chapters 9-11,15,16
Star Assignment 4 due
Wednesday, March 24 Mid Term Exam #2 Chapters 9-11,15,16
Monday, March 29 Observing Stars (continued) Chapter16
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram section 16.5,
Fig. 16.10
Stellar Lifetimes
Star Assignment 5 due
Wednesday, March 31 Stellar Evolution Chapter 17, Fig 17.26
Birth section 17.1
Maturity: core hydrogen fusion,
The Main Sequence section 17.3-4
Evolution Driven by:
Loss of energy to space
Reduction in number of nuclei by fusion
Old Age as a Red Giant Chapter 17
Dependence on Mass section 17.1
Test: star clusters section 16.6
Star Assignment 6 due
Monday, April 5 Stellar Evolution (continued)
Death of stars Chapter 18
White Dwarfs section 18.1-2,S4.5
Supernovae & nucleosynthesis section 17.4
Neutron Stars (pulsars) sections 18.3
Black Holes sections 18.4
Star Assignment 7 due
- Describe what is meant by luminosity and brightness
- Describe how to measure a star's luminosity, brightness, distance, mass
and surface temperature.
- Use stellar spectra to determine the surface temperature and
abundances of stars.
- Explain the relations between pressure, temperature and density in
terms of collisions between atoms, ions and electrons.
- Describe how astronomers concluded that the source of stars' energy was
thermonuclear reactions. Explain why nuclear reactions
occur only at high temperatures.
- Explain what keeps a star stable
- Describe the relation between a star's luminosity and its insulating
ability. Describe how the insulating ability depends on the
ease with which photons can travel to the surface of the star.
- Describe how the balances between gravity and pressure, and between energy
loss and supply maintain a star's equilibrium structure.
- Describe how models of stellar structure are tested.
- Describe how we know what is happening inside the Sun
- Explain the evolution of a star in terms of loss of energy to space,
consumption of nuclear fuel, upsets in the equilibrium balance
conditions and gravitational contraction.
- Describe the sequence of evolutionary stages of a star and how they depend
on the mass of the star.
Describe the properties of stars in different evolutionary stages:
pre-main sequence, main sequence, red giant, white dwarf,
supernova, neutron star and black hole.
- Explain why a white dwarf can not be more massive than 1.4 time the
mass of the Sun and neutron stars can not be more massive than
3 times the mass of the Sun.
- Describe what you would see if you watched someone falling into a
black hole.
- Plot a Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, and locate the regions of
giant, main sequence and white dwarf stars.
Describe the relations between surface temperature, luminosity, mass and
size for these types of stars.
Describe the evolutionary state of the 16 brightest northern-hemisphere
2004.03.15 (Monday) 18:16:10 EST
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