important stuff

Instructor: Raymond Brock
Office: 3210 BPS
Phone: 517.353.1693

Course Description: Special Relativity, thermodynamics, quantum physics, atomic physics, statisical physics, nuclear physics, elementary particle physics, cosmology and introduction to general relativity. whew.

Prerequisites: (PHY184 or 184B or LBS272 or PHY294H or PHY234B) and (MTH234 or MTH254H or LBS220)

Textbooks: Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Thorton and Rex, 3rd Ed.
plus possible handouts, lecture notes, posted material.

Class hours: M,W 1:50-2:40pm, 1415 BPS; T,Th 1:50-2:40pm, 1420 BPS. Goofy.

Office Hours: Thursday, 10-noon; any day after class or by appointment.

Grading: homework (25%), three in-class exams (15% each), final (30%)

Gripes: Any question of grading will be considered within 3 class days of the return of the material. In order to question a grade, submit a "gripe" as a handwritten explanation of what you think is wrong and attach it to the paper in question and hand it in.

Homework: listed on Syllabus page of two sorts: problems from the texts and Handout problems announced in lecture to fill in derivations. They are due every in-class on Tuesday for the previous week's listed set. They will be graded on a point-basis of 2,1, or 0. Sorry, can't accept late work. Solutions will be on reserve in the BPS library after they are turned in.

History: Physics is a discipline that treasures its past heroes and good ideas. The extras page will include biographies, history, and other information of general interest. Exams will include some simple historical questions for extra credit that every physicist should know!

Tough stuff: Exams allow you to bring one 5x8 index card of formulae, names, calming poetry, to-do lists, etc. Absences require a really good reason–good enough to have impressed your physician, who then must impresses me with a written explanation. All of the standard legalities in the MSU Code of Teaching Responsibilities apply.

PHY215 fall2006