Colloquia and Public Lectures
Newsflash: CERN Reports on the Higgs Boson: Public lecture on the meaning of the Higgs discovery.
Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Without a Higgs Boson: Colloquium for physics departments and graduate students.
Physics Education and Public Outreach: Colloquium for physics departments.
Women in Physics in the United States: Numbers, Challenges, and Solutions Colloquium for physics departments, women-in-science groups, or the general public.
Fundamental Particles, Fundamental Questions: Introduction to high-energy physics concepts and research questions. For physics undergraduates, K-12 teachers, high-school students, or general audiences.
Subatomic Mysteries : Brief (10-30 minutes) introduction to subatomic physics aimed at K-8 students.
- Additional Information
Streaming video of talks given by Simmons at FNAL can be found here