This moon is 15 days old. 15 days 0 hours 21 minutes. The photo was shot 13 hours and 33 minutes after the full moon and about 25 hours before the Autumnal Equinox, (12:55 am EDT 9/22/2002). The full moon that occurs closest to the Autumnal Equinox (first day of fall) is known as a Harvest Moon. Due to the low angle of the ecliptic to the horizon, the moon rises only about 30 minutes later each night around a harvest moon as apposed to the normal 60 minutes later each night for the other full moons in the year. Photo date September 21st 2002 at 23:33 EDT. 8" f/6 Meade telescope
This moon is 16 days old. It's no longer looking "full". It's now a waning gibbous moon. The terminator is now visible along the eastern edge of the moon. This is the last night you'll be able to see the Sea of Crisis and the Foaming Sea until the next lunation. Moons age: 16 days 8 hours 2 minutes. Date of photo: August 24th 2002 at 23:19 EDT. Telescope used: 8" f/6 Meade newtonian telescope.
This moon is 17 days old. On this night, you can get another view of Tranquility Base. The first USA moon base established by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in 1969. Of course, it's too small for us to see even from the largest earthbase telescopes. Moons age: 17 days 8 hours 42 minutes. Date of photo: August 25th 2002 at 23:59 EDT. Telescope used: 8" f/6 Meade newtonian telescope.
This moon is 18 days old. The Apollo 17 landing site is visible in this photo. However, you can't see the flag left on the moon by the astronauts because it's much too small. Moons age: 18 days 8 hours 31 minutes. Date of photo: August 26th 2002 at 23:48 EDT. Telescope used: 8" f/6 Meade newtonian telescope.
This moon is 19 days old. The three craters, Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catharina are on the terminator. The last time they were this visible was the 5 day old moon. Moons age: 19 days 9 hours 33 minutes. Date of photo: August 28th 2002 at 00:50 EDT. Telescope used: 8" f/6 Meade newtonian telescope.
This moon is 20 days old. Look for the mountains Pico and Piton tonight. They rise up from the floor of the Sea of Rains. Mt. Pico is 8000 and Mt. Piton is 8200 feet high. Pico seems to be made of white rocks and shines brightly. Also look for the Alpine Valley in the lunar Alps. Moon's age: 20 days 10 hours 8 minutes. Date of photo: August 29th 2002 at 1:26 EDT.
Telescope used: 8" f/6 Meade telescope.
This moon is 21 days old. The photo was taken at 3:16 am EDT on June 21st, 2003. Seven hours and 30 minutes before Last Quarter. Moon's age: 21 days 2 hours 55 minutes.
Full to Last Quarter
Last Quarter to New