Main equipment:
Coherent light sources
- SpectraPhysics Spitfire
PRO Ti:sapphire regenerative amplifier
4.2 W, 1 kHz, 800 nm, 100 fs pulses
- SpectraPhysics Mai Tai
Ti:sapphire oscillator
- 2 collinear BBO
optical parameteric amplifiers (OPA)
- ~300 μJ/pulse
combined signal
(1175-1600 nm) and idler
(1600-2500 nm) from
each OPA
- difference-freqeuncy
generation stage for tunable
mid-infrared generation 3 to >10 μm (~10 μJ/pulse
at 3 mm)
- doubling and
sum-frequency generation for tuning from
480-800 nm
(noncolinear OPA)
- tunable <40 fs
visible light, ~10 μJ/pulse
- Edinburgh
Instrumets EPL-405 diode laser (<90 ps pulses at 20 kHz - 20 MHz
rates) for time-correlated single-photon counting
Spectrometers and detectors
- 2 Princeton Instruments
(PI) Acton 300 mm focal length imaging spectrometer
- PI Acton 150 mm focal
length imaging spectrometer
- PI Spec-10:400B/LN
back-illuminated, liquid-N2 cooled, 1340 x 400
pixel CCD
- PI Spec-10:256BUV
back-illuminated, thermoelectrically cooled, 1024 x 256 pixel CCD
- OceanOptics USB2000+
VIS-NIR CCD array spectrometer for 350 - 1000 nm
- Micro Photon Devices PDM
series cooled avalanche photodiode (<30 - 200 ps resolution,
< 50 dark counts/s)
- Hamamatsu R9110
photomultiplier tube (185 - 900 nm, 2 ns resolution)
- homebuilt SHG
autocorrelator for 20 fs - 2 ps pulses from 430 - 2100 nm light
- Montana Instruments
Cryostation low-vibration (<5 nm) optical cryostat (T = 3 K -
300 K)
Motion control
- Newport ILS250CC (1) and
XMS50 (3) linear translation stages with
XPS-C6 universal controller/driver
- ThorLabs MDT694A
open-loop piezo controller
- 2 Stanford
Research Systems (SRS) SR250 boxcar integrators
- SRS SR830 lock-in
- SRS DG535 pulse delay
- TDS3054C 500 MHz
four-channel oscilloscope