Michigan State University The McGuire Group
Department of Physics and Astronomy 

Ultrafast and Nonlinear Optical Studies of Reduced Dimensional and Quantum Confined Systems
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We are interested in reduced dimensional and nanoscale systems, particularly the effects of confinement on exciton-exciton and spin-carrier interactions and electronic and vibrational dynamics in systems ranging from water surfaces to nanocrystals and graphene quantum dots. We address these problems through an array of ultrafast nonlinear optical techniques that are sensitive to transient processes and symmetries characterizing interactions that are otherwise difficult to probe.

To learn more about us and our work, click the links above.

Motivated researchers are encouraged to contact Professor McGuire. A note to prospective group members: I will be moving to the School of Physical Science and Technology at ShanghaiTech University in April of 2018 and re-establishing my laboratory there. 

John A. McGuire
Assistant Professor of Physics
Office: 4214 Biomedical Physical Sciences
Phone: (517)884-5670
E-mail: mcguire [at] pa.msu.edu

Mailing Address:
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Michigan State University
4214 Biomedical Physical Sciences
East Lansing, MI 48824-2320