class Vertex

This class represents a vertex in a graph. More...

Definition#include <graph/vertex.h>
List of all Methods
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Public Methods

Public Members

Detailed Description

This class represents a vertex in a graph. It's mainly used as a reference object.

void  registerEdge (Edge* edge)

Adds the given edge to outEdges if the origin of it is equal to this.

void  unregisterEdge (Edge* e)

Removes the edge from the list of outgoing edges. This basically removes the edge from the graph.

list<Edge*> outEdges

Keeps track of the Edges originating in this vertex.

Vertex* predecessor

Stores the predecessor vertex used in algorithms like Dijkstra's shortes path.

int distance

int e

Exess flow in the maximum flow algorithm.

bool visited

A flag for several algorithms that the current vertex has already been used.

bool inQueue