Brian W. O'Shea - CV and bio

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This page has a heavily reduced version of my CV. You can find a full version of my cv here (PDF), and a list of my publications, talks, and popular media references here (PDF). You can also go to my Google Scholar Page, which is likely to be more up-to-date with regards to publications.

A short bio can be found here.


2005, Ph.D., Physics
Department of Physics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Thesis advisor: Michael L. Norman (UC San Diego)
Thesis title: The Formation of Population III Stars and Their Effect on
Cosmological Structure in the Early Universe
(thesis webpage)

2002, M.S., Physics
Department of Physics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

2000, B.S., Engineering Physics (cum laude)
Department of Physics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


2019 - present Director, MSU Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research

2019 - present, Professor
2014 - 2019, Associate Professor
2008 - 2014, Assistant Professor
Department of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering (2015-),
Department of Physics and Astronomy (2008-),
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (2014-),
Lyman Briggs College (2008-2015),
Michigan State University

2005 - 2008, Director's Postdoctoral Fellow
Theoretical Astrophysics Group and
Applied Physics Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory

2005, Graduate Research Assistant
Theoretical Astrophysics Group
Los Alamos National Laboratory

2002 - 2005, Graduate Research Assistant
Laboratory for Computational Astrophysics
Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences
University of California at San Diego

Awards and Honors

Select Refereed Publications

For a full list, please consult my Google Scholar Page.

  1. Magnetized decaying turbulence in the weakly compressible Taylor-Green vortex
    F. W. Glines, P. Grete, B.W. O'Shea, 2021, Phys. Rev. E., 103 id.043203 (ADS entry)
  2. As a Matter of Tension: Kinetic Energy Spectra in MHD Turbulence
    P. Grete, B.W. O'Shea, K. Beckwith, 2021, ApJ, 909, 148 (ADS entry)
  3. Environmental Dependence of Self-regulating Black Hole Feedback in Massive Galaxies
    D. Prasad, G.M. Voit, B.W. O'Shea, F. Glines, 2020, ApJ, 905, 50 (ADS entry)
  4. Formation of massive black holes in rapidly growing pre-galactic gas clouds
    J.H. Wise, J.A. Regan, B.W. O'Shea, M.L. Norman, T.P. Downes, H. Xu, 2019, Nature, 566, 7742, 85-88 (ADS entry)
  5. Figuring Out Gas & Galaxies in Enzo (FOGGIE). I. Resolving Simulated Circumgalactic Absorption at 2 ≤ z ≤ 2.5
    M.S. Peeples et al. (long author list), 2019, ApJ, 873, 129 (ADS entry)
  6. Validating Semi-analytic Models of High-redshift Galaxy Formation Using Radiation Hydrodynamical Simulations
    B. Côté, D.W. Silvia, B.W. O'Shea, B.D. Smith, J.H. Wise, 2018, ApJ, 859, 67 (ADS entry)
  7. The Impact of Modeling Assumptions in Galactic Chemical Evolution Models
    B. Côté, B.W. O'Shea, C. Ritter, F. Herwig, K. A. Venn, 2017, ApJ, 835, 128 (ADS entry)
  8. Probing the Ultraviolet Luminosity Function of the Earliest Galaxies with the Renaissance Simulations
    B.W. O'Shea, J.H. Wise, H. Xu, M.L. Norman, 2015, ApJL, 805, 12 (ADS entry)
  9. Bringing Simulation and Observation Together to Better Understand the Intergalactic Medium
    H. Egan, B.D. Smith, B.W. O'Shea, J.M. Shull, 2014, ApJ, 791, 64 (ADS entry)
  10. Dissecting Galaxy Formation Models with Sensitivity Analysis—a New Approach to Constrain the Milky Way Formation History
    F.A. Gomez, C. Coleman-Smith, B.W. O'Shea, J. Tumlinson, R. Wolpert, 2014, ApJ, 787, 20 (ADS entry)
  11. ENZO: An Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code for Astrophysics
    The Enzo collaboration: G. Bryan, M.L. Norman, B.W. O'Shea et al. (28 co-authors), 2014, ApJS, 211, 19 (ADS entry)
  12. Fragmentation in Dusty Low-metallicity Star-forming Halos
    G. Meece, B.D. Smith, B.W. O'Shea, 2014, ApJ, 783, 75 (ADS entry)
  13. Population III Star Formation in Large Cosmological Volumes. I. Halo Temporal and Physical Environment
    B.D. Crosby, B.W. O'Shea, B.D. Smith, M.J. Turk & O. Hahn
    2013, ApJ, 773, 108 (ADS entry)
  14. From F = ma to Flying Squirrels: Curricular Change in an Introductory Physics Course
    B.W. O'Shea, L. Terry & W. Benenson
    2013, CPE Life Science Education, 2013, 12, 230-238 (ADS entry)
  15. Cosmological Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Galaxy Cluster Radio Relics: Insights and Warnings for Observations
    S. Skillman, H. Xu, E.J. HallmanB.W. O'Shea, J.O. Burns, H. Li, D.C. Collins, M.L. Norman
    2013, ApJ, 765, 21 (ADS entry)
  16. Vertical density waves in the Milky Way disc induced by the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy
    F. Gomez, I. Minchev, B.W. O'Shea, T.C. Beers, J.S. Bullock & C. Purcell
    2013, MNRAS, 429, 159 (ADS entry)
  17. Assessing gender differences in response system questions for an introductory physics course
    C. Richardson and B.W. O'Shea
    2013, Am. Journal. Physics, 81, 231 (ADS entry)
  18. Characterizing the Formation History of Milky Way like Stellar Halos with Model Emulators
    F. Gomez, C. Coleman-Smith, B.W. O'Shea, J. Tumlinson & R.L. Wolpert
    2012, ApJ, 760, 112 (ADS entry)
  19. Signatures of minor mergers in Milky Way like disc kinematics: ringing revisited
    F. Gomez, I. Minchev, A. Villalobos, B.W. O'Shea & M. Williams
    2012, MNRAS, 419, 2163 (ADS entry)
  20. Galaxy Cluster Radio Relics in Adaptive Mesh Refinement Cosmological Simulations: Relic Properties and Scaling Relationships
    S. Skillman, E.J. Hallman, B.W. O'Shea, J.O. Burns, B.D. Smith & M.J. Turk
    2011, ApJ, 735, 96 (ADS entry)
  21. The Nature of the Warm/Hot Intergalactic Medium. I. Numerical Methods, Convergence, and O VI Absorption
    B.D. Smith, E.J. Hallman, J.M. Shull & B.W. O'Shea
    2011, ApJ, 731, 6 (ADS entry)
  22. Galaxy Clusters at the Edge: Temperature, Entropy, and Gas Dynamics Near the Virial Radius
    J.O. Burns, S.S. Skillman, B.W.O'Shea
    2010, ApJ, 721, 1105 (ADS entry)
  23. The Formation of Population III Binaries from Cosmological Initial Conditions
    M.J. Turk, T. Abel & B.W. O'Shea
    2009, Science, 325, 601 (ADS entry)
  24. Three Modes of Metal-Enriched Star Formation in the Early Universe
    B.D. Smith, M.J. Turk, S. Sigurdsson, B.W. O'Shea & M.L. Norman
    (ADS entry)
  25. The Biermann Battery in Cosmological MHD Simulations of Population III Star Formation
    H. Xu, B.W. O'Shea, D.C. Collins, M.L. Norman, H. Li, S. Li.
    2008, ApJ, 688, L57 (ADS entry)
  26. Cosmological Shocks in Adaptive Mesh Refinement Simulations and the Acceleration of Cosmic Rays
    S. Skillman, B.W. O'Shea, E.J. Hallman, J.O. Burns, M.L. Norman
    2008, ApJ, 689, 1063 (ADS entry)
  27. Population III Star Formation in a Lambda CDM Universe. II. Effects of a Photodissociating Background
    B.W. O'Shea and M.L. Norman
    2008, ApJ, 673, 14 (ADS entry)
  28. The Santa Fe Light Cone Simulation Project. I. Confusion and the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium in Upcoming Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Surveys
    E.J. Hallman, B.W. O'Shea, J.O. Burns, M.L. Norman, R. Harkness, R. Wagner
    2007, ApJ, 671, 27 (ADS entry)
  29. Population III Star Formation in a Lambda CDM Universe. I. The Effect of Formation Redshift and Environment on Protostellar Accretion Rate
    B.W. O'Shea and M.L. Norman
    2007, ApJ, 654, 660 (ADS entry)
  30. Population III Star Formation in a Lambda WDM Universe
    B.W. O'Shea and M.L. Norman
    2006 ApJ, 648, 31 (ADS entry)
  31. Comparing AMR and SPH Cosmological Simulations. I. Dark Matter and Adiabatic Simulations
    B.W. O'Shea, K. Nagamine, V. Springel, L. Hernquist, M.L. Norman
    2005, ApJS, 160, 1 (ADS entry)
  32. Forming a Primordial Star in a Relic H II Region
    B.W. O'Shea, T. Abel, D. Whalen, M.L. Norman
    2005, ApJ, 628, L50 (ADS entry)