
Lecture Notes by Topic
- Course information
- Coulomb's law
- Electric fields and electric
- Gauss' law and conductors
- Capacitors
- Resistors, Ohm's law
- Kirchoff's laws / RC circuits
- Magnetic fields and forces
- Sources of magnetic fields
- Magnetic materials
- Magnetic induction
- AC circuits
- Semiconductor devices
- Electromagnetic waves
- Optics, refraction
- Optics, mirrors
- Optics, lenses
- Optical devices
- Interference and
diffraction of light
- Relativity
- Quantum physics
- Atomic physics
- Radioactivity and the
biological effects of radiation
- Nuclear physics
- Particle physics
- Cosmology and astrophysics
These files are prepared not as a substitute
for the text book, but instead as a substitute for lecture notes. Hopefully, one can then
attend lecture and concentrate on the material rather than writing notes. |