I have been the Physics and Astronomy Dept. Associate Chair for the Undergraduate Program since August of 2013.
We study the behavior of electrons inside semiconductors, superconductors and even proteins. To probe what the charges do on nanometer length scales, we construct and and apply incredibly sensitive tools
call scanning probe microscopes. To see these microscopes in action, and to learn more about the group and projects, please follow the Nano Probe Group link below (or click on the bar to the left).
Teaching |
I am currently co-teaching Projects & Practices in Physics. This is a transformed introductory physics course,
PHY 183, that engages students in scientific practice through the use of course projects. Professors Danny Caballero and Paul Irving are lead instructors of this course.
Funding |
The research described on this site was funded by grants from
the National Science Foundation (DMR-0906939, MCB-1021948),
the MSU Foundation (Strategic Partnership Grant),
the MSU Institute for Quantum Sciences,
and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.