JavaTM 2 Platform
Standard Edition

Uses of Class

Packages that use NoninvertibleTransformException
java.awt.geom Provides the Java 2D classes for defining and performing operations on objects related to two-dimensional geometry. 

Uses of NoninvertibleTransformException in java.awt.geom

Methods in java.awt.geom that throw NoninvertibleTransformException
 AffineTransform AffineTransform.createInverse()
          Returns an AffineTransform object representing the inverse transformation.
 Point2D AffineTransform.inverseTransform(Point2D ptSrc, Point2D ptDst)
          Inverse transforms the specified ptSrc and stores the result in ptDst.
 void AffineTransform.inverseTransform(double[] srcPts, int srcOff, double[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts)
          Inverse transforms an array of double precision coordinates by this transform.

JavaTM 2 Platform
Standard Edition

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