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21. Command Line Switches

The command line switches for mgv generally set application resources; see Application Resources for descriptions of the various resources.

21.1 Help Switches

-browser htmlbrowser

Specify the HTML browser to use for the on-line help; this switch sets the helpBrowser resource.

-help, --help, -H, -?

Display a short summary of the available command line switches.

-helptype type

Specify the help type for on-line help. This switch sets the helpType resource to type.


Display a summary, with explanations, of the available command line switches.

-prefix pfx

Specify the location of the files for the on-line help; this switch sets the helpPrefix resource.

-version, --version

Display lots of version and build information about mgv. The displayed information is the same as that in the Build Options Dialog.

21.2 Rendering Switches

-aliaseps, -noaliaseps

Anti-aliasing graphic images will often make the images look worse and increase the rendering time significantly; hence, these switches are offered to give you finer control over when anti-aliasing is used. These switches set the antialiasEPS application resource.

-antialias, -noantialias

Enable or disable anti-aliasing within Ghostscript; by default, anti-aliasing is enabled. If anti-aliasing is enable, then the x11alpha device is used and Ghostscript will be run with the -dNOPLATFONTS switch; if anti-aliasing is disabled, then the x11 device will be used. This switch sets the antialias resource for Ghostview widgets.

-arguments args

Specify additional arguments for Ghostscript; this switch sets the arguments resource.

-color, -grayscale, -greyscale, -monochrome

Force color/grayscale/monochrome display; these switches do not have anything to do with the visual, depth, or colormap that mgv uses, you will want to use the -visual, -visualid, -depth, and -privatecm switches for that. These switches set the palette resource.

-dpi n, -resolution n

Specify the overall resolution; these switches set the Resolution resource.

-gslocale locale

Force the GHOSTVIEW window property to be written according to locale. This switch sets the gsLocale resource.

-interpreter interp

Use interp as the PostScript interpreter. This switch is useful if you want to use an interpreter that is not in your PATH or is not the first gs is your PATH. This switch sets the interpreter resource.

-magstep m

Set the initial magstep to m; this switch sets the magstep resource.

-media media, -paper media

Specify the default page media; this switch sets the defaultPageMedia resource.

-portrait, -landscape, -seascape, -upsidedown

Specify the initial page orientation.

-quiet, -noquiet

Use or don't use -dQUIET with Ghostscript; this switch sets the quiet resource. The -dQUIET switch tells Ghostscript to suppresses the normal startup messages.

-safer, -nosafer

Use or don't use -dSAFER with Ghostscript; this switch sets the safer resource. When run with the -dSAFER switch, Ghostscript disables the deletefile and renamefile operators and can only open files with read-only access.

-xdpi n, -ypdi n

Specify the horizontal and vertical resolutions; these switches set the xdpi and ydpi resources.

21.3 Display Switches

-labels, -nolabels

Show or don't show the page labels in the page list; this switch sets the showLabels resource.

-log, -nolog

Show or hide the Ghostscript log on start-up; this switch sets the hideLog resource.

-menubar, -nomenubar

Show or hide the menu bar at start up; this switch sets the hideMenuBar resource.

-pagelist, -nopagelist

Show or hide the page list at start up; this switch sets the hidePageList resource.

-pgnums, -nopgnums

Show or don't show the page numbers in the page list; this resource sets the showPageNumbers resource.

-status, -nostatus

Show or hide the status line at start up; this switch sets the hideStatusLine resource.

-toolbar, -notoolbar

Show or hide the tool bar at start up; this switch sets the hideToolBar resource.

21.4 Colormap Switches

-depth n

Specify a non-default color depth. This switch sets the wlDepth resource.

-install, -noinstall, -privatecm, -noprivatecm

Install or don't install a private colormap. Non-default visual and/or depth settings may cause this switch to be ignored. This switch sets the wlUsePrivateColormap resource.

-visual visualClass

Specify a non-default visual. This switch sets the wlVisualClass resource.

-visualid visualID

Specify a non-default visual by visual id (see xdpyinfo for a list of visual ids). This switch sets the wlVisualID resource.

21.5 Scrolling Switches

-center, -nocenter

Enable or disable automatic page centering. This switch sets the center resource.

-magicresistance n

Specify the number of attempts to scroll beyond the page boundaries before magical scrolling takes effect; this switch sets the magicResistance resource.

-magicscroll, -nomagicscroll

Allow or disallow magical scrolling; this switch sets the magicScrolling resource.


Reset both the horizontal and vertical scrollbars when you move to a new page. This switch sets the resetScrollBars resource to both.


Reset the horizontal scrollbar when you move to a new page. This switch sets the resetScrollBars resource to horizontal.


Don't reset either scrollbar when you move to a new page. This switch sets the resetScrollBars resource to none.


Reset the vertical scrollbar when you move to a new page. This switch sets the resetScrollBars resource to vertical.

-scrollpercent percentage

Scroll the screen by percentage of the window size when scrolling with the keyboard. This switch sets the scrollPercentage resource.

-smooth, -nosmooth

Enable or disable smooth scrolling. This switch sets the smoothScrolling resource.

-smoothness n

Specify how smooth smooth scrolling should be. This switch sets the smoothness resource to n.

21.6 Sizing Switches

-autoheight, -noautoheight

Attempt to make the main window tall enough to accommodate a whole page. This switch sets the autoHeight resource.

-autowidth, -noautowidth

Attempt to make the main window wide enough to accommodate a whole page. This switch sets the autoWidth resource.

-smartsizing, -nosmartsizing

Enable or disable smart sizing. This switch sets the smartSizing resource.

-wmwidth width, -wmheight height

Set the total width or height of the window manager decorations. These switches set the wmWidth and wmHeight resources.

21.7 Splash Screen and Icon Switches

-coloricon, -monoicon, -nocoloricon

Use or don't use a color icon (if available). These switches set the wlUseColorIcon resource.

-installicon, -noicon

Install or don't install an icon when the application starts up. These switches set the wlInstallIcon resource.

-monosplash, -colorsplash

Use the monochrome or the color splash screen. These switches set the wlUseMonoSplash resource.

-splash, -nosplash

Show or don't show the splash screen.

-splashxbm filename

Specify the splash screen XBM file. This switch sets the wlSplashBitmap resource.

-splashxpm filename

Specify the splash screen XPM file. This switch sets the wlSplashPixmap resource.

21.8 Tool Bar Switches

-colortoolbar, -monotoolbar

Use color or monochrome icons in the tool bar. These switches set the useColorIcons resource.

-flatten, -noflatten

Flatten or don't flatten the tool bar buttons. These switches set the flattenButtons resource.

-tooltips, -notooltips

Show or don't show tool tips for the tool bar buttons. These switches set the showToolTips resource.

21.9 Miscellaneous Switches

-bzip cmd, -bunzip cmd

Specify the command to compress or decompress bzip2ed files; the commands should read from the standard input and write to the standard output. These switches set the bzip and bunzip resources.

-compress cmd, -decompress cmd

Specify the command to compress or decompress compressed files; the commands should read from the standard input and write to the standard output. These switches set the compress and decompress resources.

-confirmexit, -noconfirmexit

Require or don't require user confirmation when attempting to exit the application with more than one top level viewing window. These switches set the confirmExit resource.

-copystdin, -nocopystdin

Copy or don't copy files from the standard input to a temporary file. These switches set the copyStdin resource.

-editres, -noeditres

Install or don't install support for editres. This switch sets the wlUseEditRes resource.

-gunzip cmd

Specify the command to compress or decompress gzipped files; the commands should read from the standard input and write to the standard output. These switches set the gzip and gunzip resources.

-killkids, -nokillkids

Kill or don't kill child processes when mgv exits; this switch sets the killChildrenAtExit resource.

-printcommand cmd

Use cmd as the default printer command; this switch sets the printCommand resource.

-temp dir

Specify the temporary directory; this switch sets the tempDir resource.

-zoomfg color, -reticulefg color

Specify the zoom reticule color; these switches set the reticuleForeground resource.

-zoomwidth n, -reticulewidth n

Specify the zoom reticule width; these switches set the reticuleLineWidth resource.

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