HEPAP Subpanel
on the University Grants Program

Town Meetings


Charge from HEPAP
Subpanel Membership
Meeting schedule & Agendas
How to contact us:

take a survey
participate in a blog discussion

attend a town meeting

How we may contact you:

PI survey
anticipate a call



Town meetings.

We are planning town meetings for the following locations:

  • 11/2/06, DPF Town Meeting at the DPF2006+JPS2006 meeting
  • Fermilab, Thursday, November 30, 2006.
  • SLAC, Friday, 4PM-6PM, January 8 , 2007.
  • CERN, Thursday, 1/25, 4PM-6PM
    • 40-S2-A01 and VRVS room WOOD
  • MIT, Thursday 2/8/07 from 4-6pm
    • CTP Seminar Room
      4107 (4th floor)
      5 Cambridge Center
      The entrance is next to Legal Seafood in Kendall Square
      and this building is NE25 on the MIT maps

Watch the "News" section of the home page to this site for details and this page for agendas and details from the meetings.

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