Dr. Ruby Ghosh: Curriculum Vitae



Research Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Michigan State University


Michigan State University
Biomedical Physical Sciences
567 Wilson Road, Room 4218
East Lansing, MI 48824

Tel: (517) 884-5585
FAX: (517) 353-4500



        Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Ph.D. Applied & Engineering Physics (1991)

                Thesis: "Spin Dependent Transport in a Silicon Two-Dimensional Electron Gas"


        Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, M.S. Applied & Engineering Physics, (1986)

                Thesis: "Monolithic Integration of GaAs Light-Emitting Diodes and Si Field-Effect Transistors"


        Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, B.A. with honors, Physics (1982)



        Research Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, Michigan State University                                  2004 to present

        Research Faculty, Center for Sensor Materials, Michigan State University                                      1996 to 2004

                “Wide bandgap semiconductor devices”

                        Catalytic gate silicon carbide devices have been developed for detection of hydrogen containing gases

                         in high temperature, harsh environments.  Studying the defect dynamics of interfaces in metal-

                        dielectric−SiC field−effect structures.  Demonstrated ms response time for sensors operating at 600 °C

                        during continuous operation for several weeks with negligible degradation in performance.

                “Fiber optic oxygen sensing”

                        Developed a reflection mode fiber probe operating in a 0 - 20% gaseous oxygen atmosphere by

                        utilizing the quenching of the phosphorescence from molybdenum chloride clusters by 3O2.  Studying

                        the photophysics of Mo-clusters for spatially (≤50 µm) and temporally (≤1s) resolved measurements.

                        Demonstrated 24/7 outdoor monitoring of dissolved oxygen in aqueous biological media.

                “Remote identification of chemical components in structural fires

                        Developing a library of chemical burn signatures of the major constituents present in structural fires.

                        for remote, wireless fire safety applications.


        Member of Technical Staff,  Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey                                       1994 to 1996

                Planar Lightguide Circuit Research Department, Lucent Technologies ,

                “Er3+ - doped planar waveguide amplifier”

                        Investigated the integration of active optical elements with passive silica optical circuits.

                        Demonstrated an Er3+ waveguide amplifier, pumped by a semiconductor diode laser, with the lowest

                        threshold to date of 8mW and a net gain of 4.5 dB.


        Postdoctoral Fellow National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg                           1991 to 1994

                Fundamental Electrical Measurements Group, Electricity Division

                "Precision measurements with single electron tunneling structures"

                        Developed a new technique to measure the electronic charge e, by counting electrons on a capacitor.

                        Fabricated single electron tunneling (SET) devices.  Investigated using an SET electrometer in a

                        capacitance bridge to measure the leakage rate of a capacitor at 10 mK.


        Graduate Assistant, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

                Research Assistant, Laboratory Atomic & Solid State Physics                                                    1986 to 1991

                        Advisor: Robert H. Silsbee

                Research Assistant, Department of Electrical Engineering                                                           1983 to 1986

                        Advisor: Joseph M. Ballantyne


        Meetings:      America’s co-chair, IEEE Sensors 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand

                                America’s co-chair, IEEE Sensors 2005, Irvine, USA

                                Tech. program Committee, IEEE Sensors 2007, 2004 and 2003

                                Tech. program Committe, 2008 Int. Mtg. Chemical Sensor, Columbus, USA

        Reviewer       National Research Council Review Panel for the National Institute of Standards Technology


         Referee:        IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Cryogenics, IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Trans. Elec. Device

                                J. Appl. Physics



        Dr. Jay Grate, Pacific Northwest Laboratory

        Prof. Indrek Wichman, Michigan State University

        Dr. James Wynn, MBI

        Prof. Chris Xu, Cornell University



R. N. Ghosh, P. A. Askeland, S. Kramer and R. Loloee, “Optical dissolved oxygen sensor utilizing molybdenum chloride cluster phosphorescence”, App. Phys. Lett. 98, 221103 (2011)

R. N. Ghosh, I. S. Wichman, C. A. Kramer and R. Loloee, "Time resolved measurements of pyrolysis and combustion products of  PMMA", accepted for publication in Fire and Materials (2012)..

R. N. Ghosh, G. L. Baker, C. Ruud and D. G. Nocera, “Fiber optic oxygen sensor using molybdenum chloride cluster luminescence”,  App. Phys. Lett. 75, 2885-2887 (1999)

R. Loloee, B. Chorpening, S. Beer, R. N. Ghosh, "Hydrogen monitoring for power plant applications using SiC sensors", Sens. Actuators B. Chem. 129 (1), 200-210 (2008.)

P. Tobias, B. Golding and R. N. Ghosh, “Interface states in high temperature gas sensors based on silicon carbide”, IEEE Sensors J., 3 (5), 543-7 (2003).

R. N. Ghosh & P. Tobias, “SiC field-effect devices operating at high temperature”, J. Elec. Mat., 34 (4), 345-350 (2005)

M. S. Crosser, S. H. Tessmer and R. N. Ghosh, “Scanning electric field sensing for semiconductor dopant profiling”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 195 (1-4), 146-154 (2002).

R. N. Ghosh, C. F. Kane, M. R. X. Barros, G. Nykolak, A. J. Bruce and P. C. Becker, “8mW Threshold Er3+-doped planar waveguide amplifier”, , IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. 8, 518-520, (1996).

R. N. Ghosh and R. H. Silsbee, “Spin dependent transport in a two-dimensional electron gas”, Sol. St. Comm. 81 (7), p. 545-548 (1992).

R. N. Ghosh, B. Griffing and J. M. Ballantyne“ Monolithic integration of GaAs light-emitting diodes and Si metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 48 (5), 370-371, (1986).



G. L. Baker, R. N. Ghosh & D. J. Osborn, "Sol-gel encapsulated hexanuclear clusters for oxygen sensing by optical techniques", US Patent 7,858,380 B2 (2010).

R. N. Ghosh, R. Loloee, P. A.  Askeland & C. Weeks "Optical sensing system for oxygen monitoring in aqueous media using Molybdenum cluster phosphorescence" US Prov. Pat. 61/410,254 (filed Nov. 2010).

G. J. Brereton, H. J. Schock, R. N. Ghosh and F. M. Salam, “Sensors and method for measurement of flow rates and cumulative flow in ducts”, U. S. Patent # 6,408,698 B1 (2002).



        Postgraduate: M. S. Crosser, Linfield College, Oregon  (2006); P. Zhang, Linn State College, Missouri (2007);

                P. Tobias, Honeywell, Minneapolis (2005), S. G. Ejakov, Ford, Michigan (2002)

        Undergraduate: S. K. Kramer; C. A. Kramer, J. Olds