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Spring 2008 Seminar covering :
Complex materials and their energy applications

Thursdays 12-1pm, BPS 1400. Pizza and other goodies available 11:45am
January 24th : Jim McCusker (Chemistry - MSU), "Photochemical control of charge transfer complexes for improved solar cells"

January 31st : Keith Promislow (Mathematics - MSU), "The role of nanomorphology in proton conduction through polymer electrolytes" (pdf of talk)

February 7th : Greg Baker (Chemistry - MSU),
"Materials for Fuel Cells" (pdf of talk)

February 14th : Don Morelli (Materials Science - MSU), "Introduction to high ZT thermoelectric materials and applications" (pdf of talk)

February 21st : Wolfgang Bauer (Physics, MSU) " Is bio-gas generation a cost-effective option for the Michigan energy economy?" (pdf of talk)

February 28th : Phillip Duxbury (Physics - MSU) "Theoretical and practical limits on solar conversion efficiency : Why use nanostructured materials?" (pdf of talk)

March 20th : Scott Barton (Chemical Eng. - MSU), "Biocatalytic Activation using Multiscale Carbon Electrodes" (pdf of talk)

March 27th : Carlo Piermarocchi (Physics - MSU), "Introduction to excitons and their role in photovoltaic processes" (pdf of talk)

April 3rd : Steven Pueppke (Office of Bio-based Technologies, MSU) "Biofuels : Current status and future prospects" (pdf of talk - this is 21MB)

April 10th : Dennis Miller (Chemical Engineering, MSU) "Science challenges and opportunities in the MSU biofuels initiative" (pdf of talk)

April 17th : Harold Schock (Mechanical Eng. and Engine Lab., MSU) "Energy Prospects for Transportation in the Next Two Decades" (pdf of talk)

April 24th : Plamen Atanassov (Chemical and Nuclear Eng., Univ. of New Mexico) "Nanomaterials in fuel cell electrocatalysis"

Michigan State University