DIS2023 - Program
The Scientific Programme will consist on Plenary Sessions (Monday and Friday) plus Parallel Sessions organised in six Working Groups:
- Conveners:
- Simone Amoroso (DESY), simone.amoroso@desy.de
- Aurore Courtoy (UNAM), aurore@fisica.unam.mx
- Clare Gwenlan (Oxford), claire.gwenlan@physics.ox.ac.uk
- LOC link: C.-P. Yuan (MSU), yuanch@msu.edu
- Conveners:
- Sylvester Joosten (ANL), sjoosten@anl.gov
- Feng Yuan (LBL), fyuan@lbl.gov
- LOC link: Joey Huston (MSU), huston@msu.edu
- Conveners:
- Wouter Deconinck (U of Manitoba), wouter.deconinck@umanitoba.ca
- Niki Saoulidou (Athens), nsaoulid@phys.uoa.gr
- Doreen Wackeroth (Buffalo), dw24@buffalo.edu
- LOC link: Reinhard Schwienhorst (MSU), schwier@msu.edu
- Conveners:
- Hugo Beauchemin (Tufts), hugo.beauchemin@tufts.edu
- Rene Poncelet (Cambridge), poncelet@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
- Barbara Trzeciak (Czech Technical University in Prague), barbara.trzeciak@gmail.com
- LOC link: Abhay Deshpande (SUNY & BNL), abhay.deshpande@stonybrook.edu
- Conveners:
- Jim Drachenberg (ACU), jld00a@acu.edu
- Caroline Riedl (UIUC), criedl@illinois.edu
- Jakub Wagner (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland), jakub.wagner@ncbj.gov.pl
- LOC link: Aschenauer Elke-Caroline (BNL), elke@bnl.gov
- Conveners:
- Claudia Gemme (Genova), Claudia.Gemme@cern.ch
- Kondo Gnanvo (JLab), kagnanvo@jlab.org
- Alexander Savin (Wisconsin), Alexander.Savin@cern.ch
- LOC link: Paul Reimer (ANL), reimer@anl.gov
Conference Schedule
The conference will have full-day plenary sessions on Monday and Friday, with a welcome reception on Monday evening. The parallel sessions take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. There is a free afternoon on Wednesday afternoon, where some organized excursion options, such as FRIB tour, local museums, and beer tour and tasting, will be offered during the registration. The conference banquet will be held at 6:30pm on Thursday, March 30 at the Huntington Club, located on the 4th floor of Spartan Stadium, home of MSU Football.