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About me

Programming Languages




Java is my programming language of choice as long as speed is not of the utmost concern. It took me a while to get used to the ideas of object oriented programming (oop) but today the procedural approach often seems clumsy to me.
An excellent online tutorial is "The Java Tutorial" from Sun. If you are looking for a for a more compact introduction try JavaTM Language Basics, Part 1 and Part 2. To access these two tutorials and many more useful information you might have to become a member of the Java Developer Connection (JDC).
I am currently working on an introduction to Java(PDF). and a short reference to the most important language feature (PDF). for a set of classes in computational physics developed at MSU.

Java World is an monthly online publication that I have been reading for the past two years already. I especially like there tips and tutorials.
Currently I am reviewing there 3 part How-To Java column about 3D computer graphics (Part 2 and 3), published in 1997.


It is kind of difficult to talk about Java on a web page and not include some links to some good applets. So here are some of my favorites:

  • J-Pass is the program for everybody who wants to do some sattelite viewing.

Last updated by JHM. This site is hosted by the Department of Physics&Astronomy, MSU.

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