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Fall 2012 Seminar covering :
Effects of swift heavy ions and/or ultrafast lasers on complex materials

Thursdays 12-1pm, BPS 1400. Pizza and other goodies available 11:45am
September 20 Maik Lang (University of Michigan)
"Structural modifications in complex oxides induced by swift heavy ions"

Special seminar 2-3pm September 20
Seminar Room 120 NSCL/FRIB
Marcel Toulemonde (CIMAP-GANIL)
"Track Formation and Sputtering Materials: Experiments as a Guide to Develop the Inelastic Thermal Spike Model"

September 27 Georg Bollen (Michigan State University/FRIB)
"FRIB extreme materials challenges"

October 4 Carl Boehlert (CHEMS, Michigan State)
"Development of Methodologies for Characterization of the Microstructure and Deformation Behavior of Radioactive Materials and Materials to be used in Irradiation Environments"

October 11

October 18 Gary Was (University of Michigan)
"Strategies for studying radiation effects in materials using ion beams"

October 25 Michael Nastasi (University of Nebraska and Los Alamos)
"Role of interfaces for materials in extreme irradiation environment"

November 1 Yongqiang Wang (Ion beam materials laboratory, Los Alamos)
"Ion irradiation and damage response of nanostructures"

November 8 Brian Wirth (University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
"Computational modeling and measurements of radiation effects in materials"

November 15 William Weber (University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
"Effects of ionization on damage formation and recovery under ion irradiation"

December 13 Rod Ewing (Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Michigan)
"Forms for nuclear waste storage: The road not taken"

Michigan State University