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Spring 2014 Seminar focusing on :Ultrafast ScienceOrganized by Jim McCusker
Thursdays 12-1pm, BPS 1400. Pizza and other goodies available 11:45am
January 9: Prof. Marcos Dantus
Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University "Developing and applying the concept of ultrafast shaped pulses as photonic reagents and coherence probes" January 16: Prof. Warren Beck Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University "Nonlinear Optical Studies of Radiationless Decay and Energy Transfer by Carotenoids in Photosynthetic Light Harvesting Proteins" January 23: Prof. Benjamin Schwartz Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California at Los Angeles "To Be or Not to Be in a Cavity: The Hydrated Electron Dilemma" January 30: Prof. Theodore Goodson Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan "Ultrafast Dynamics in Organic and Inorganic Materials with Enhanced Optical Effects" February 6: Prof. Michael Therien Department of Chemistry, Duke University "Ultrafast Exciton Migration and Charge Transfer Dynamics in Semiconducting Polymer-Carbon Nanotube Superstructures" February 13: Prof. Paul Evans Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Wisconsin "Ultrafast Dynamics in Complex Oxide Electronic Materials" February 20: Prof. John Papanikolas Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill "Visualizing Charge Carrier Motion in Nanowires Using Femtosecond Pump-Probe Microscopy" February 27: Prof. Michael Wasielewski Department of Chemistry and Director, Argonne-Northwestern Solar Energy Research Center, Northwestern University "Exciton Dynamics and Structural Investigations of Singlet Fission in Molecular Solids" March 6: Spring Break (no seminar) March 13: Prof. Tinquian (Tim) Lian Department of Chemistry, Emory University "Solar Energy Conversion using Atoms, Molecules, and Solids" March 20: Prof. John McGuire Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University "Dynamics and Interactions of Strongly Confined Excitons in Graphene" March 27: Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago "Ultrafast Dynamics of Hydrogen Bond Networks in Water from Broadband Infrared Spectroscopy" April 3: Prof. Xiaoyang Zhu Department of Chemistry, Columbia University "Exciton Fission, Quantum Coherence, & Solar Energy Conversion Beyond the Limit" April 10: Dr. Linda Young Director X-Ray Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory "Perspectives on Ultrafast X-ray Studies at DOE Light Sources" April 17: Prof. Louis DiMauro Department of Physics, The Ohio State University "Attoseconds: Faster than a New York Minute" April 24: Dr. Sergei Tretiak Physics and Chemistry of Materials, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory "Photoexcited Conjugated Chromophores: Conformational Dynamics, Relaxation Pathways, and Energy Transfer" |