Run IIA L1 Calorimeter Trigger

Presented by D. Edmunds         27-JAN-2004

The purpose of this talk is the present the general features of the
Run IIA Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger and its associated components in a
Tutorial Presentation. The talk is organized by showing the functions
of the Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger from the viewpoint of its
connections with other systems. The following is an outline of this

Background and Context about Triggering in Run IIA:

Connections between the L1 Cal Trig and Other Systems:

Layout of the L1 Cal Trig:

BLS Trigger Tower Pickoff Signals -
the Input to the L1 Cal Trig:

And-Or Terms Generated by the L1 Cal Trig:

Download of Trigger Lists from COOR
through TCC into the L1 Cal Trig Hardware:

Monitoring the L1 Cal Trig:

Exercising and Testing the L1 Cal Trig:

Updated 27-JAN-2004 Dan Edmunds