CMX firmware code in-line documentation
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file  CMX_flavor_package.vhd [code]
 This package defines constants specific to SumET CMX and common to crate and system varieties.
file  CMX_SumEt.vhd [code]
 encapsulates the main processing in the Sum ET: local and global energy summing
file  CMX_SumET_Topo_Encoder.vhd [code]
 formats data to be sent to the TopoTX
file  crate_summing_module.vhd [code]
 This module performes EX EY ET sums of the local backplane data and the RTM cable output.
file  daq_collector.vhd [code]
 formats the data to be sent on DAQ and ROI links
file  system_summing_module.vhd [code]
 This module takes EX EY ET data received on the RTM cables and computed locally, then computes global sums and MET and sets XE TE and XS triggers.