CMX firmware code in-line documentation
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file  add2x2.vhd [code]
 The add2x2 module adds two 2-bit numbers, return 3-bit result that saturates at 3.
file  add3x2.vhd [code]
 The add3x2 module adds two 3-bit numbers, return 3-bit result that saturates at 7.
file  adder_top_vs.vhd [code]
 The top level module (adder_top) for the multiplicty adder (CMX JET). Instantiates components that perform backplane interpretation to count objects over programmable thresholds; If instantiated in the system flavor also instantiates components that perform global summing and form the data to send to CTP.
file  CMX_flavor_package.vhd [code]
 This package defines constants specific to Jet CMX and common to crate and system varieties.
file  CMX_Jet_Topo_Encoder.vhd [code]
file  CMX_top_Base_tb.vhd [code]
 This the testbench which tests the JET CMX FW. The circuits generates the output and compares with the simulation. The error flag indicates the mismatch between the firmware and simulation.
file  compExch.vhd [code]
 The compExch module. This module sorts two TOBs and its used by the jet_decoder.
file  daq_collector.vhd [code]
 This module formats the data for the readout (glink stream). The parity error is calculated and enclosed to the data stream.
file  jet_decoder.vhd [code]
 CMX data decoder based on sort (Bacher odd-even merge sort).
file  main_crt_vs.vhd [code]
 The crate module for the multiplicty adder (CMX JET). Interprets the backplane data to form local sums over threshold.
file  main_sys.vhd [code]
 the system module for the multiplicty adder (CMX JET). Receives the local and remote counts and calculates the global counts
file  parity_gen.vhd [code]
 The parity_gen module generates the parity of incoming data.
file  trig_sim.vhd [code]